About my OC

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Name: Aiyoki Yamiaki
Age: Classified
Goes by: Yamiaki by teachers, bullies and most students as well as duckbutts like uchiha. Yamiaki- san by teachers. Aiyo, Aiyo-chan, Ai and Ai-chan by her friends. Aiyoki commonly used. Aiyoki-chan by her boss and friends.

Likes: Obviously anime, manga Parkour, drawing, fashion designing (just like me in real life), cooking, baking, sweets, cookies, dango, ramen, sushi, animals, wolves, foxes, reading, fanfictions, the abandoned mansion, being on a roof top, pranking, clouds, stars, analysing anime and manga, weapons, memes, arts, explosives, watching YouTube, drawing anime characters, singing, dancing, fighting, studying Naruto, playing anime games

Dislikes: People that can't tell the difference between a scroll and a kunai, Orochimaru, Duckbutt, Kabuto, The hidden sound, Madara's father, Hashirama's father, Danzo, Staying in one place, the people that treated Naruto and all the Jinchuriki like shit, war, pointless killing, the orphanage, perverts except Jiraiya, Avengers, fanboys, fangirls, people obsessed with revenge, those ninja that kidnapped Rin and crushed Obito, bullies, being alone but she deals with it, school, zetsu, snakes, people who hurt her friends, her favourite characters dying.
Appearance: Teenage girl with deep blue wavy hair that reaches down to her mid back and deep electric red eyes. (I'll draw a picture later of her and put it up).
Past: You'll find out
Family: Shall be revealed....
Dun dun dun

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