Chapter 7 Part 5

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 The group moved on to stay at Ridge's, and as they strolled into his place, Kieren walked up to the old stage where they once played their music together. He knocked on one guitar and said, "You think anything will ever go back? I mean for us to do what we are meant to do and have that downtime we all could use?"

Talon's face seemed devoid of much emotion; however, his eyes were more telling of the deeper feelings he carried. He watched Kieren on Ridge's old stage, looking over the instruments that had not been played since the day they took away Caius.

"I have never been in here," he said, examining the small details of the establishment, "This place looks like the kind of place Ridge would keep." He continued to walk the floor while everyone found seats to visit.

Kieren never stopped or turned to engage in any of the conversations. Instead, he continued to examine the instruments, "So, you played?" Talon asked Kieren.

"Yes, in another life, I did. Guitar. It is strange coming into this life, with some memory or déjà vu. I can't tell you where I lived, or those I knew, but I can still remember playing. The strange thing was when we all went to the dark realm the very first time when I was being tricked by the demons I recognized my old bandmate. I don't understand, I could see him and remember him, but no other person I knew on Earth before I came here." Kieren said as he examined an old guitar strap where the threads were tattered, the color faded from age and use. Once red, now the strap looked sun-bleached giving it a pinkish tone.

"I can't recall what who I was as a human either, but then again, since then, Warrick's curse has taken over. I suppose you know the rest. All I know from being a guide is that I have a son." Talon said as he mirrored Kieren's examination of the instruments. 

 "Look, I know that you care for Meridian. I can see why. I hope that all this that has happened with my son and heir doesn't make things difficult for you and Meridian." Talon turned his eye toward Meridian who sat next to bubbly Pramlee talking to everyone about her experience. "It doesn't appear that she escaped us all from the inquiries." Talon nodded at Relic who had not let Meridian get away with Pramlee.

Kieren turned away from Talon as he spoke as if to pay no mind to where the conversation was going. He walked over to the drum set and sat down as if to play. "I am okay, I get it. I may be one of the newest here, but I have learned quite a bit since seeing everything happen. I guess it wasn't in the cards for Meridian and me, as much as I would have hoped for."

"Well, maybe you should go talk to her. In the least, you have a friend." Talon said.

Kieren paid no mind to Talon but got up from his seat and stepped away from Talon and made a wide girth around the table where Meridian was seated. Relic lifted his head to see Kieren and took the opportunity to call Kieren out. "So, Kieren! Come sit with us!" Kieren stopped and stared at Relic with a straight face, trying hard to hide his discomfort.

Meridian reached across the table and gave Relic what she was famous for and that was a slap on the arm. Relic's face exhibited a sideways grin and a quick cut of his eyes, "Great, now that you are back, I have the two of you slapping me all the time. I suppose I will call you the tempestuous twins."

Kieren smiled at the interaction between Meridian and Relic. However, he kept his shifty eyes away on the floor, looking over the worn path in the wood from all of Ridge's past patrons. Holding his arms crossed, he struggled for his response. "Uh, well, I think I am going to go outside and get away, all of this has been overwhelming, with Ridge being gone."

Meridian stood up from the table with steely eyes, "You shouldn't have done that. You know that he is not taking this too well, or are you that blind?" Meridian stomped off away from Relic to follow Kieren, leaving Pramlee behind with her beady eyes on Relic. Pramlee joined Meridian's gesture and slapped Relic over the head as she left the table to look out of the window to check on Kieren and Meridian.

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