Chapter 1

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Snow covered the ground. The forest screamed with silence. A small village at the edge of the forest bustled with people coming and going.

"Lyra!" A young woman with long fire red hair and piercing green eyes ran into the local bakery.

"What is it now Ava?" A young woman with blonde hair tied into a bun walked out of the back of the bakery with a tray of freshly baked bread. "The shop has been very busy today. I've been kneading dough all morning!" She then slammed the tray on the counter.

Ava pouted her face and crossed her arms.  
"Well I'm sorry. I just thought you would like to go to the frozen lake and skate a little bit."

Lyra laughed. "You can be so childish sometimes, you know that right?"

Ava sighed and turned to look out the window. "Yeah I know."

She looked out at the village. So peaceful.

"Fire!" An old man ran down the streets of the village.

"Fire! Fire! Someone help! Bandits lit my store on fire!" He was running around, waving his hands.

"Did he just say bandits?" Ava turned to Lyra.

"I think he did." Lyra ran to the back of the bakery and came out with two swords.

"No one harms our village!" Ava and Lyra ran to the edge of the village were the bandits were.

The bandits looked at them and laughed.
"Is this the best this village can do? Send two girls to fight their battle?"

Behind the girls, a grey haired man with a mustache walked up.

"These two girls are our best fighters in this whole village. Now if you don't want to lose a finger I would leave if I were you."

The bandits laughed again.

They charged at the girls. Ava stood still and waited. One bandit came close. She striked him upside the head.

Another one charged at Lyra. She moved gracefully around the bandit and hit him in the spine.

The two girls danced around the bandits taking them out one by one.

Finally the girls were finished.

Ava grabbed one of the bandits.

"Why are you here?" She demanded answers.

The bandit was shaking with fear.
"It was the Warlock of Wilkes. He is taking control over all the nearby villages."

The girls looked to each other.

"What is this warlocks name?"

Another bandit spoke up.

"His name is..." A fire suddenly engulfed all the bandits. Ava threw the one she was holding down.

Lyra was shocked. "What kind of monster would do such a thing?" She cried out.

Ava looked at the flames. "A monster who wants our village."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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