CHAOPTTOR Five levels - Tey reincarnat gate an Fongardish

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Gud eter died. He reincarnated into a rando Uratedlll. Hey lock over hey coud nut see blodlust.

"Why, now I have to reincarn abou 50 tims in ordeR to liv an actuaLR liVe." he sad.

He had wasted about 69 reincaRn sycle going Noithung buuuut bEign and Anrated. Nuw he possased KappaClys. Heee was teh 9th levelli who cantrolled Kappa.

"I wunder wu iz the the 7th incarnat ov MANSTAR Micicf." Kalaxzn sad,

"Munster michiff iz nuw INCarnAted by A livAL who wus ORAginalLy Altitudinam Gamvaa." Powpow said.

Powpow looked at Mee sterNly his face meningn sseriOus bissnuss,

"Tis is your last reincarnaton unTil u tuurrn bac an saAArt bac as an Anrated Sparat Sapphira Surgge." Powpow said.

"Wy did it toook meee soo LANG to make may get baack to a high livang standaARd." I said.

"Wel becAse we ont u to di if u attac us, especcaily if yu suport tey mapppacs." je sad.

"Wut ar, mappacs." Shii said.

"Wel, te mappacs are evi demonns tat sould be turn intu unraTEd fivever." He saidd.

"wy" He said.

"Cus, tey destru anu sou tat dar pooSees tem. And tey brin tem bac to unRate for fivEvar." Powerful Powers asaid.

Empyren saw the nely renincarnated KapparClysm. "He luks camplatley unreconizable." she said.

"Yet, he looks so, ssimilar."

"KALAX!!" she souted in pain somehoEw.

"we ned to summo fingardash." she said.

"I CAN DO IT BY MYSELF!!" SHGRE shouted with dEMOnic sweat.

Emopyre desided to link tey ic an tey deser storm and all in beytwlan.


FingerDashes pure spiriT came from te bOOk. Supar Sayyan LITAE. APPARED!!! THE GOLDEAN GLOW IS DAT OF DARWIN.

FingerDash's Divinevoic Came out "No. NO NO, YOU ARE A MAPPACK!!! YOU ALLWAYS LIE!!." she spok te truth.

Fingadash was tru Empyren's currant reincarnation her 5th incarnatioon is frum a makpack. Te dangerous supe r poweRed diVine LiaIr, DinaMic On Tick.

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