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It 7 o'clock I am still definitely not used to the time zone but I log on to my email to see the fbe email right in front of my eyes, I'm scared to open it. I open it anyway

Dear Amelia

The Producers at FBE are quite impressed with your reaction we would like to inform you that the spots of reactors are full, and you got the final spot as one of the teen reactors. If you could come down to FBE at 10, we will get your number because that is simpler to use in comparison to email, we will also have one of our current reactors show you around.

Kind Regards

Benny and Rafi Fine 

I almost scream in happiness I get ready to go to FBE.

I almost scream in happiness I get ready to go to FBE

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Flannel around waist

I finish off getting ready by having some Coco Pops for breakfast, they call them Cocoa Krispies here, but its the best cereral in my opinion

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I finish off getting ready by having some Coco Pops for breakfast, they call them Cocoa Krispies here, but its the best cereral in my opinion. It's now 9:30 I decide to leave for fbe I'm biking again but I didn't show my bike last time here it is...

Its a road bike I used to compete in road cycling competitions in New Zealand, I won a few Nationals so I guess I'm okay

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Its a road bike I used to compete in road cycling competitions in New Zealand, I won a few Nationals so I guess I'm okay.

I leave the house and head to fbe, about 10mins later I arrive at fbe I park and lock up my bike then walk inside, I walk up to the front desk to the same nice lady.

"I knew you would become one" She tells me

"Oh thank you"

"Ooh its no problem, could we get your number please"

"Uh yeah its **** *** ***" I say looking at the number on my phone.

"Ok now we have an assigned reactor to show you around, it appears your assigned reactor is Jaxon. I'll go get him from the lounge"

She gets up to go get Jaxon, she arrives a few minutes later with Jaxon walking beside her. 

"I'll let you get acquainted and show her around Jaxon"

"Okay Michelle thanks"

We walk away

"So her name is Michelle"

"Yep she is really nice"

"I can tell, what are we waiting for let's go"

"Okay okay calm down"

"Bro I am calm"

He just rolls his eyes. We walk around all of fbe he showed me where everything is, as well as the best places to hide to scare people. Jaxon is really Nice.

"Hey Amelia?"


"What school do you go to"

"Well I haven't started school yet but I'm going to go to El Camino"

"Really, I go there too. I could show you around there if you want"

"That would be great, your 10th grade right"

He nods then takes me to the studio, because apparently I'm in a video today. We walk into the studio at we are greeted with the producer.

"Hi Jaxon, Amelia. Since you are both here go sit in the chairs"

We both then nod and take a seat.

"Ok Today we have a New Reactor, this is Amelia and she is 15"

I wave at the camera

"So today we are getting our reactors to do a general knowledge quiz"

"Okay so if its math or about New Zealand I'm going to do fine" I say

"Okay you may know a fair amount but I intend to win" Jaxon announces

"Lets start the questions" 

New Girl - Jaxon HiblerWhere stories live. Discover now