Chapter 1- Moving to EAH

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     Madeline Hatter skipped up the school's entrance, blissfully talking in riddlish to herself.  "Feathers and friends, now alone," (means Hi in Riddlish) Maddie said to a girl dancing ballet across the hall.  The girl gave her a glare and danced away. 

     Maddie found her first class, she stood at the door, looking for a place to sit. She found a spot behind a boy that looked dorky, "Be careful, he's fragile," a girl with black and purple hair said.  Maddie sat in a seat away from him but next to the wicked awesome girl. "My name is Raven Queen,    daughter of the Evil Queen," Raven introduced herself.

     "And that's Cerise Hood, daughter of Red Riding Hood," Raven said, pointing to a girl with brown and white hair.  "Aren't you going to tell me you're name? Or are you to scared?" Raven asked Maddie.

     "I'm Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter!" Maddie cheerfully said.

      "I like you, come sit with us at lunch today," Raven insisted.

        "Hat-tastic!" Maddie smiled

     "Oh, do you know where Health class is?" Maddie asked.

     Raven and Cerise looked at her schedule, "I think that's in the back building..." Raven said.


     Maddie, Cerise, and Raven travel together to the "back building". Maddie looked around curiously, "Where's the building?"

     Raven and Cerise looked at each other, "There is no building."

     Maddie quickly turned when she saw the book-ball team carry a blonde girl with skin as white as snow and lips as red as blood like a queen. "That's Apple White, leader of the plastics.." Cerise growled.

     "That's Cedar Wood, she considers herself popular because she never told a lie, she is a member of the plastics." Raven says as she points to the wooden girl.

     "And last but not least, Blondielockes, she is such an idiot and leaves nothing sacred." Cerise sighs.

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