Chapter 2- Plastics

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     Maddie is in the castleteria getting her lunch. Apple White waved her over. Why is she calling me over when she doesn't know who the hell I am? Maddie thought.  Apple kept waving like a queen until I put my tray down.  "Sit," Apple insisted. 

     She seems pretty nice, Maddie thought. "So introduce yourself," Apple smiled.

     "I'm Madeline Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter, and I'm from Wonderland." Maddie said.

      "If you're from Wonderland, why do you have mint green and lavender hair?" Blondielockes stupidly asked.

     "Blondie, you can't just ask people why they have their hair the way it is." Apple snapped.

     "We don't usually ask this to new people to school but do you want to sit with us like everyday?" Apple offered.

      "Yes!" Maddie smiled.

     "On Wednesdays we wear pink," Cedar says, "And you can only wear a ponytail once a week. It looks like you chose today.."

     "If you break one of these rules you can't sit with us anymore." Apple said. 


     "Wait, you got invited to sit with the plastics?" Raven asked.

     "Yes, and does anyone have something pink?" Maddie said.

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