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"Oooo what a bad boy, taking me, your mortal enemy, to your school, let alone your sacred football field!" Tom snickered at Eric, making fun of him. Eric rolled his eyes in response before lightly punching Tom.

"You laugh, but if we happen to run into anybody, don't tell them where you're from." Eric gave him a serious look.

"Dude, I don't even know where I currently am- other than at East Studio High of course, I just don't even know what city I'm in anymore."

"We're in Glendale, Tom! It's right by Burbank where West Studio High is located. That's why we are mortal enemies, as you put it." The two of them joked around about their supposed rivalry before Eric got suddenly quiet.

"I'm going to guess you brought me here for a reason other than our high schools. You seemed really upset when you texted me." Tom gently said, trying to keep Eric comfortable. Eric sighed before plopping down onto the football field, Tom following his movements.

"I am upset. I'm upset that nothing ever goes the way I want it to. I'm upset with my family, I'm upset with my friends, but goddamn it, I'm mostly mad at myself. I'm mad I don't have the fucking nerve to tell my family and friends that I'm bisexual. I'm mad that Brandon found out because of Tori Vasquez, out of everybody. I'm mad that my parents raised me to believe that what I feel isn't right. I'm mad that society thinks I can't like both girls and boys, that I have to choose. I'm mad that I don't think my friends are okay with who I am." Eric's voice broke at the end of his sentence, making him stop talking. He put his head between his knees, taking shaky, deep breaths.

Tom wasn't sure how he could help, he's not typically one to deal with emotions. He decided on inching closer to his friend, putting his hand on top of Eric's. This is what broke Eric even more, which is not what Tom meant to do. As Eric's tears started to fall, Tom decided to pull him into his arms, holding him close.

"Eric. It's okay that you're bisexual. Actually," Tom paused, trying to gather his words. "It's more than okay. It's amazing, it's wonderful, it's beautiful. You being bi brought you to me, as selfish as that is, I like being able to spend time with you. You don't have to tell your family or friends until you're ready. I have yet to tell my parents, or any of my friends except Tori. Not that I have many friends, but the other ones I do have don't know that I'm gay. Just because you were raised one way, doesn't mean that you have to follow those values. You're better than that Eric, you know this. I'm sorry Brandon found out how he did, I didn't mean for this to happen. I shouldn't have kissed you and I shouldn't have been holding your hand. We were in public and I didn't even consider if you were out or not. Eric, if you're blaming anybody for outing you to Brandon, blame me, not Tori." Tom's voice starting shaking at the end of his rant, surprising himself. He obviously was in deep with Eric, he just met the man and he can't stand the sight of him being upset. The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes, just holding onto each other. Eric had stopped crying, the only sound heard from him was the occasional sniffle.

"I don't know why I feel this way about you Tom." Eric spoke extremely quietly, Tom barely hearing him. "I don't know why, but I am okay with it."

The two of them finally decided to start talking again, trying to ease the tension between them. They moved past the tears and back to their usual banter. The saying "time flies when you're having fun" was proven completely true. It was 3:30 am before they even decided to look at their clock.

"My mom said not to be out until 4 am, so I guess I'm listening to her as long as I get home by 3:59." Tom wasn't actually that concerned, his mom was a huge softie. After his brother died, his mom had become overbearing, controlling, but most of all, worried. He understood, his mother needed to keep him safe. She thought he was going to spiral after his brother's death, but instead he decided to stay strong. Tom needed to stay strong for his parents.

"Let's get you home then Tom." Eric stood up, helping Tom off the football field. "Ha, Tom, you have turf from the field all over your ass. Let me help you get it off." He said with a wink before brushing the turf off gently. Tom playfully glared at him for touching his ass.

The two of them rode home in silence, even though they spent the last few hours joking around, there still was a tense feeling in the air. Eric pulled up in front of Tom's house, right on schedule. Tom took a second to get out of the car, looking over to say goodbye to Eric, only he wasn't there. Tom turned confused, jumping slightly when his car door opened.

"You really thought I would get this far and just stop being a gentlemen? Tom, it's like you don't know me at all!" Eric said with a wink.

"Eric... you're also the one who pushed me over on the field, you want to have a discussion about manners!?" Tom got out of the car, obviously joking with him. He quickly thanked him by giving him a quick squeeze on the hand that helped him out. He let go rather quickly, just in case anybody happened to be awake, he didn't want his parents to find out this way. Eric walked Tom to the front door, giving him a typical "bro hug" to be inconspicuous. They said goodbye to each other, Tom waiting for Eric to get back into his car before entering his house. Tom took the time to turn off the light that his parents graciously left on for him. He quickly got ready for bed, considering it was late and he was tired. He layed in bed after his nighttime routine was finished, letting out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in. There was a lot he had to think about, there was a lot of emotion expressed tonight, but for the second night in a row, he fell asleep with a smile on his face. 


Hi! I am back, school is DESTROYING my will to do anything other than study and cry. This is not the best chapter, but I am losing motivation honestly. I am going to continue with this story, I just have to try to find the proper time and inspiration!!

I want to thank everybody and anybody who has taken the time to read this, it truly means so much to me! <3 

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