Chapter 2

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The next morning was slow, I got up, got dressed and went to school. When I got there I immediately went to my first class of the day, which was gym. I had asked my gym teacher if I could skip again and just go run the track, which of course he let me do just that.
I needed to run, to get my mind off of everything and everyone. I didn't sleep much last night. I kept tossing and turning, and I had this weird dream where I was running and couldn't stop, I kept hearing this voice, it was a males voice, very familiar. He kept yelling out to me, telling me to stop running, that everything would be okay, but I couldn't see him nor could I stop and turn around. I had just decided to put it out of my head for the day and hopefully would keep myself from having that dream again. I was so distracted that I hadn't seen Lindy come up to me while I was running. She put her foot out in front of me and I fell face first into the black top. "Ouch! What was that for?"
"Stay away from Kai, he's mine. If you don't, I will make your life a living hell. You thought before was bad, wait and see what happens if you keep going after Kai" She said with a smirk before running off. I guess my run was over, I needed to get to the showers and rinse the blood off of my scraped knees and elbows. There was a gash on my forehead that I would clean up as well, as soon as I got to the showers to clean the blood off there was nothing there, no scrapes or forehead gashes, it was all gone. I should have gone straight to the principal as soon as it happened but I knew better than to run and tattle, I tried doing that before and everything Lindy did was swept under the rug, she owned this school from the inside, but her father actually owned the school itself.
"Hey, you look like death."
"Thanks, Iris. I couldn't sleep last night, I tossed and turned all night, and to top it off, I had a run in with Lindy today in gym, she tripped me and I fell face first onto the floor. I'm surprised I don't have any bruises."
"Oh, damn. I'm sorry girl, she's really going to get what is coming for her one day. But are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired of her antics. She hasn't stopped since we were freshman. I don't know how much more I can take."
After I finished filling Iris in on everything I went to my first class. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking about that dream. It was so vivid, like I had actually lived that exact moment. It sort of felt like deja vu.
"Heard Lindy's looking for you"
There was that voice again, however, this time I was able to turn his way and see who it was. "Well it won't take her long to find me" as I waved around the room pointing out how we share the same class. He just smirked, which gave me butterflies. His smirk could make a whole room light up. I don't think he realized how handsome he actually was. I couldn't be falling for him, I had only known the guy less than a week, I just couldn't get rid of the feeling that we had met in a past life or something. We didn't really say much to each other the rest of class. Like most of the time, a boring lecture with a teacher that just didn't care. I didn't want to burden him with the fact that I've already ran into Lindy already once today. He had already made it perfectly clear to Lindy of his lack of interest and told her to stay away from me. I was kind of scared of what he would do if he found out that she's not sticking to her word.
"So, I was thinking, I'm new here and haven't really seen much. Do you think that maybe one day this week we could meet up and you can show me around."
"I don't think I'm the person for you, I don't really get out much."
"Well this could be your chance, I would rather go with you than ask Lindy, we would probably end up in every clothing store in town." I chuckled. "You're right, I'm free this afternoon we could walk around and maybe even get some lunch."
"Sounds good to me, I can pick you up from your house, say around five?"
"It's a date, I mean not a date, but you know what I mean."
I cannot believe I just called it a date. My cheeks turned crimson and I tried walking away before he could see them. "Wait!" "How am I supposed to pick you up if I don't even know where you live?"
"Shit, your right", I wrote down my number and address and told him to send me a quick text when he was on his way. I walked out to the parking lot as quick as possible, hoping not to run into Lindy again. Luckily, I had made it safely inside my car as I saw her walking towards me with a scowl from hell. Lindy wasn't someone to mess with, but for some reason, with Kai, I couldn't help it. As soon as I got home I jumped in the shower to rinse off all of the embarrassment I had just put myself thru.
"I should be there soon, I have to make a few errands before I get there, hope that's okay." My phone beeped and my heart jumped. He could not be on his way already. I took a quick look at my phone and sighed in relief, I still have some time. As soon as I got out of the shower I did my hair and put the slightest bit of makeup on. I was never big on makeup, my mom was never around to show me how to do it so I never learned. "Natural beauty is the best beauty" my mom constantly said, every time she would see me with any kind of makeup on. I'd always get a scowl.
"I will be there in 2 minutes." As soon as that text message came in I started getting nervous. I don't know why, It's not like this was a date. I was just showing him around. I looked out of the window and there he was, walking up my driveway. I decided to meet him halfway. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes," he said as I walked out of my house, I don't know why but my heart flipped as soon as I heard him say that. Was he hitting on me? No, that can't be it. Guys aren't interested in girls like me, so I just shrugged it off as him being nice. "Sorry I took so long, there were a few things that I needed to do before I came here."
"It's okay, it gave me some time to get some homework done." He opened the door of his car for me and I got in. "So where do you want to go first?" "We can go downtown and grab a bite to eat, I'm famished." He finished saying before we put the car in drive and went on our way. We stopped by a few shops on the way there and then decided on a small deli for a quick bite to eat. As soon as we stepped into the restaurant I instantly regretted choosing this place. In the corner of the room sat Lindy and her minions sipping away at there waters and laughing. Well at least until they seen Kai and I walk in. I tried turning around, but Kai caught me before I could do so, "Don't let her scare you off. She's just jealous."
"Of what?" I asked him. "You are Intelligent and beautiful." I blushed a little and chuckled. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me to a small table on the other side of the room and we ordered our food. "So how do you like this small town so far?" "It's quite interesting, but quiet and very private." I just sipped my drink and listened to him talk. His accent so overpowering, yet so beautiful. "What do you like about your small town?" He said with a smirk on his face. "I think that this town is full of secrets, some so big that this town wouldn't seem so small if they got out."
"I love this town, don't get me wrong, I've grown up here, this is my home, I just think that all small towns have big secrets beneath them. Secrets that will make anyone do whatever they have to do to keep them hidden." At that, he turns his face to the door of the deli, and his face turns dark. I turn to look at the spot he is looking at and this guy who looks vaguely familiar to me walks in. "Do you know him?" I ask. He turns back to look at me, with a smile on his face that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "No, he just looked familiar for a second." "Would you like to take a walk with me?" he asked. "I would love too." I replied.
We walked for what felt like hours, I talked about my friends, and very briefly about how Lindy and I came to be enemies. I talked about my future goals and what I have planned for myself when I graduate. I talked, and he listened. It almost felt natural, just to sit there and talk to him, like we've known each other our whole lives. Eventually, it started to get dark and as much as I insisted staying out late, he kept telling me about how unsafe it is to be out past dark and how he should get me home before my parents have a coronary. I finally stopped resisting and let him take me home. I knew I had to get some studying done, I had a huge test in Calculus the next day, and I was going to pass it no matter what. As we were heading home, it was silent in the vehicle, but not an awkward silent, it was almost comfortable. We were almost home until suddenly something jumped into the middle of the road and Kai had to swerve to keep from hitting the person, unfortunately, he ended up losing control of the vehicle and we started to roll. All I heard while I was trying to scream, was glass being shattered and Kai yelling from his side of the car. I couldn't make out what he was saying. Eventually we stopped rolling and the car came to a stop. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted the aches in my body to go away. I kept going in and out of consciousness. It was all to much. "Davina!!" his voice came crashing through my ears, and I jolted into existence. "I'm okay, just some body aches." "We need to get you out of this vehicle."
"I agree, but i'm stuck, this seat belt isn't budging." As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I reached for my seatbelt and gave it a good tug, and low and behold I was able to rip it from my body. "Stay here." he beseeched. "There is no way in hell I'm staying in this car!" And with that, I climbed out of the front windshield and ran to his side. I looked to him, but his face was unreadable. I looked him up and down but there was no injuries, while there was blood, I didn't see a gash on him. I didn't stare long, however, as a noise caught my attention from the other side of the road. I looked to where the noise was made and my breath got caught in my throat. The same guy who had walked into the deli earlier before me and Kai left was standing there, watching us, with an evil smirk on his face. He was tall, like impossibly tall. I couldn't move as he started walking towards me, it was like he had a hold on me, I was paralyzed and staring right into the face of evil. I tried to look over at Kai but it felt like something was tugging on my body, and yanking me towards the other guy. As soon as he stepped up to me, I finally had a chance to completely look at him. He had flippy white hair, that reached his ears and the middle of his forehead, he had piercing red eyes and the sharpest jawline I have ever seen, he was gorgeous, in a frightening way, no doubt about that, but I knew better, this guy standing in front of me wasn't someone to mess around with, and if I ever get out of this situation alive, I will make sure to keep my distance if I do ever see him again. "Get away from her!!" I heard from behind me. I had no idea where he had gone but I was starting to feel better with the outcome of the situation with the voice coming closer to me. A voice I will always be thankful for. "I just wanted to get a closer look at the princess," he said with the same evil smirk from before, and my face turned white. What the hell is he talking about. "Look, I didn't come here for trouble, although you should probably learn how to drive better, I came here because I have orders from Major Zantu to bring Princess Ophelia back with me."
"Over my dead body, she will not be going anywhere with you Dektar." At this point I could feel the heat radiating off of Kai who was standing in front of me, shielding me from being attacked. "You need to leave, right now. Before I make you." At that, he raised his hands in surrender and backed off with that same smirk, before he could leave, he looked straight at me to say one last thing. "Till next time, Princess," just as he vanished into thin air. I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What was that?" "I mean, who was that!!" "How did he know my name, and why was he calling me princess." "Who the hell is Ophelia." I couldn't breath, things started blurring, and all of a sudden, everything went black

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