chapter 6

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PSA fucked up the last chapter title.

Naruto dived head first into training. With Haruka telling him the secret to the shadowclones, Naruto actually figured the Hiraishin out by the time they left for their mission to protect a bridge builder.

The hiraishin seal on the kunai basically created a homing beacon and the yellow flash technique was really just a more advanced substitution where you swapped yourself out with light. When you appeared there was no flash or someone with good reflexes could just play whack a mole with the flashes.

The hard part had been putting his chakra in the seal. He figured thatd get easier once he learned a bit more fuuinjutsu.

He could actually use a short range hiraishin without any kunai, as long as he could see the area he wanted to go well enough to switch himself out with light.

In short... he'd learned to teleport.

Naruto was spinning a tri-pronged kunai between his fingers when Haruka showed up with a large man with grey hair and tan skin.

He saw the kunai and asked, "Hey kid, figure it out yet?"

Naruto smirked, then was gone with a flash of yellow.

"You tell me, Sensei." Haruke turned his head to look at the boy, clearly impressed.

He grinned, "Thats amazing, Naruto, really. You figured out a jutsu that no one else has since the second and fourth hokage."

Naruto grinned excitedly, "Damn straight. Here." He tossed it to him.

Haruka cocked an eyebrow.

"I've got a bunch of em. This way I can get to you from anywhere. I got one for Sasuke, too. Hinata already has hers." He smirked and activated the seal on his belt. Another flash kunai appeared in his hand.

Haruka nodded at that and asked, "I wonder how strong you are if you abuse that?"

"Well... the speed I'm going when I use it is nuts, it boosts my reaction speed somehow so I can see and react, so I have no idea. I might be stronger than you."

Haruka scoffed, activating his byakugan. "Try me."

Naruto bent his knees and was gone in the next instant. He appeared mid air behind Haruk with his fist cocked, ready to pulverize his sensei.

Only for Haruka to catch his fist and judo throw him into the ground so hard he bounced, the air in his lungs bursting out and his eyes going wide.

Haruka started laughing, "Kid I see in all directions. There isnt a sneak attack that can get me when my byakugan is going. Never underestimate your opponent or overestimate yourself." He stepped over a groaning Naruto and walked over to a training post to sit.

Within fifteen minutes Sasuke showed up.

Naruto looked up at the sun, "That's weird. Hinata is late..."

"I'm sure she's-," there was a flash of light and Naruto was gone, "-fine..." Haruka chuckled, that kids a handful.

Sasuke was looking at the spot with wide eyes, "What the hell did I miss?!?!"

"Hm?" Haruka glanced over and grinned, "Didnt you hear? Naruto's dad was the fourth Hokage."


Naruto appeared directly in front of Hinata and took a punch that was meant for her. Having been being taught Taijutsu from Haruka and taking his attacker by surprise gave him a huge advantage.

He twisted his body, rolling with the hit into a spin and threw his foot out in a roundhouse kick to the Hyuuga elder's chin. The blow knocked him out cold and Naruto crouched, wiping the bit of blood from his lip.

His eyes cut back to a shocked Hinata, and the rest of her family staring with open mouths.

Hiashi walked into the room angrily, "Chio-sama if you think I will stand by and-..." he blinked at seeing Naruto and the elder on the ground in front of Hinata. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Chio wanted to force her to marry his son. When she refused, he pushed her and tried to punch her. Before any of us could step in, this little boy appeared out of thin air and knocked him out. It was quite impressive." A man with pale eyes in his sixties repled.

Hiashi bowed at the waist, "Father." Then he stood, "Why didnt you intervene?"

"I could see you coming with my byakugan, I thought you'd kill him and didnt want to take that from you, son." The older man grinned. "Where's Haruka? Surely he'd cause a bit of a blood bath over this."

Hiashi looked over to the unconscious elder and sighed, "No killing." He looked at Hinata, "Are you hurt?" She shook her head, "Then I believe you are late for a mission. Dismissed. Boy, I am in your debt, for the moment. I will not forget you."

Naruto nodded at that, feeling uncomfortable at the looks he was getting. Then he grabbed Hinata's hand and they were gone with a flash of light.

Hiashi's mouth fell open. Impossible...

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