chapter 8

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Naruto spotted a rabbit, and his first instinct was to chuck a kunai at it, but with Hinata there he didnt want to. So he ignored it.

Then he felt something... off. Like a wave of malice, but no chakra.

He caught Haruka's eye, but the jonin didnt seem to notice anything.

Fog rolled in around them and Haruka stopped walking and held up a fist, making everyone stop. The walking cane in his right hand was held loosely.

Then his eyes sharpened and veins protruded from the sides of his face.

His vision exploded in all directions and he saw the chakra laced fog coming from a single source. A man a few dozen feet back, gearing up to throw s massive sword. "Alright guys, keep walking, I'll bring up the rear."

Then the man threw the sword, sending it spinning towards the group. Haruka flexed his chakra, activating the shunshin body flicker technique and boosting his strength simultaneously, then he spun and caught the giant sword with his fingertips and then propped it on his shoulder, grinning like a madman. "I do believe I recognize this sword... is Zabuza Momochi the legendary bitch out there?"

He was met with silence, and then massive killing intent that dropped his three students to their knees. "Hey! That's not very nice. I'll chunk this big chunk of metal in the kami dammed lake."

The killing intent stopped immediately and you could hear a gravelly voice call out, "Is that Haruka Wolfhunter Hyuuga?"

Haruka grinned, "Take a wild guess, Bandages."

The fog faded a bit and Zabuza walked into view. He was taller than Haruka, with no shirt, baggy pants, a scarf and bandages.

Haruka stuck the sword into the ground, "Hey buddy, who is that in the treeline looking like they're about to chuck needles at me?"

Zabuza sighed, "Haku, stand down. This particular shinobi is immune to our methods."

Haruka's grin widened further, "Why is he wearing a dress, Zabuza?"

Zabuza only grunted and walked over to the group, followed by a young man with really long hair and a more effeminate face than even Haruka.

Haruka pointed a thumb at Tazuna, "Were you hired to kill him?"

Zabuza nodded, not taking his eyes off the extremely dangerous Hyuuga.

"Cool, can you tell me where the dude that hired you is?"

Zabuza's eyes widened momentarily, "Why?"

Haruka chuckled, "Because I'm going to kill him, as if that wasnt obvious. Dude is holding a country under his heel. Your other option is not telling me, in which case I keep this sword... so what'll it be, Bandages?"

Zabuza was tense, but finally let out a groan, "Fine... theres a hideout about eight kilometers from the bridge, due east. You hit a town you've gone too far."

Haruka yanked the sword outta the ground and offered it to Zabuza. "Do me a favor... tell him I'm coming."

Zabuza nodded slightly as he took the blade. Then turned and retreated into the fog with his apprentice.

Haruka's eyes were hard when he faced his team. "Once we get to the bridge, I'll be taking a little field trip."

____Later at Gato's hideout_____

Zabuza stood in front of the fuming business man after having told him that Haruka was on his way.

"Why didnt you kill him, you buffoon!?!?" Gato growled, but Zabuza met his glare and replied.

"I couldnt. The shinobi I'm talking about is able to see through my fog, immune to any genjutsu I can use, I may could overwhelm him with ninjutsu but I doubt he'd let me finish any of my powerful jutsu handseals. He can disable chakra networks by touching you, and is a taijutsu monster that can see in all directions... I have no defense against that."

"That sword on your back is just for show then?" Gato spat back, so Zabuza pulled the sword off and held the blade up. It was completely unmarred except for little dents in the middle of the blade.

"He caught it with his bare hand and it damaged the blade. You need another S-class to face him... preferably upper S-class."

"Boss!" A man barged in, breathing heavily and looking absolutely terrified.

Gato slammed a fist down, "What!?!?"

"A blind guy outside demanded to see you, when the front guards refused he demanded again so they attacked... and now they're dead..." the man's face was abnormally pale but Zabuza closed his eyes knowingly.

Gato stood and grabbed Zabuza's arm, "Go out there and kill him!"

Zabuza shook his head, "You couldnt pay me to fight that monster..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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