Season 2 (2)

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It was the first day back and I was dreading it my life is a mess right now....
I walked over to mirror to see someone I don't even recognise anymore the girl I see is a small pale fuck up..... I sighed and started to get ready when it was 7:49 I saw someone outside it was dustin ☺️ he had been the most help to me and also my crush 😔❤️🤫
I ran down to be greeted by his warming smile it was just so cute...❤️
(Dustin) "you ready to go N/N" He asked he knew my life had been hell but he's been sweet and helped me through it just like any bff would 🖤
(You) "yeah I just need to grab some food and bike and we can go" I said with a small smile
It was around 10 minutes from my house to the middle school so I had to set off early every morning which sucked but it was also good for me as I e got closer I saw Will, Lucas and Mike... he looked at me and gave me the daggers like it's my fault she's gone like I did it...😔💔
I get why he's mad though even when I don't see him I feel guilty and I feel like I'm responsible for her but I also know she's not gone but lost she's hear but not hear like she's trapped someplace,..
Anyways as we got into class I saw the red head from this morning she looked out age also very cute but also scary but still like a teddy bear. As we got into class and sat down the principal came in with the girl she tried to sit but teacher wouldn't let her
(Teacher) "why don't you introduce yourself umm" he looked at his list "Maxine"
(Max) "it's max no one calls me Maxine just max" "also I moved from California" she said as she stormed to her seat
As she sat I hear the boys say
"She's mad max" I was very confused about that but it's the boys so yeah who wouldn't be 😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤭
As it was now lunch we decided to eat outside so we could look for max but I when to look myself and I found her
(You) "hi max I'm Y/N we have classes together" I said with an uneasy smile
(Max) "yeah hi I'm Max... I have a question do you know the 4 boys who have been watching me?" She asked uneasy and slightly disturbed
(You) "yeah they are my best friends well three are at least.." I wish mike would let me talk to him just once...
(Max) "it was nice to meet you Y/N see you around" she said as she left she was sure going to be a great friend and addition to the group hopefully mike will accept her... hopefully...
Word count: 483
Ok guys that's the end of the second part also I was wondering does anyone who reads this book watch miraculous ladybug??? Because if u do did u enjoy the latest episode??? Ok that's all for now byyye ❤️❤️❤️

Dusty bun | Dustin x Reader | Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang