Chapter 3

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I entered the shop, Ms. Marpell's, who was the best seamstress and had the best gowns in the whole town. There was usually less crowd here, at this time of the day. 

I shook her hand lightly.

"I want a pink ballgown for a masquerade ball."

She immediately ushered me to a room, with the finest ball gowns. I looked through various gowns, trying to find on that would catch my eye. Most of the pink ballgowns were heavy or sparkly. When I was about to give up and change my color, I found a dark pink ballgown, with a ruffled high neck, a cut just below it and the end of the long sleeves ruffled. It touched the floor, had many layers, the outermost one intricately designed.

I turned around to see another blue dress, with short puffed out sleeves, and a string that would come around my neck. The neckline had a ruffled piece of dark blue cloth, and the outer layer to had the same piece. The satin near the end of the dress was plain and smooth. 

I decided to buy both but wear the blue one to this masquerade. 

After telling Ms.Marpell to alter the dresses according to my body, I went in search of masks. I entered a room, on the right this time and looked at the various masks hanging or lying on the tables. They were sorted according to colour, so I quickly went to the blue masks.

There was a dark blue mask, with silver decorations on it, bordered with pearls and a detachable white flower on the left side. It looked very beautiful and would go along with my dress, so I bought that one too. 

For Red, I chose a light blue gown that had silver pearls decorating the upper part while the lower part was simple. Her mask was light blue too, with flowers and feathers on the upper part. 

. *** .

After signing the invitations with my name, as they always have to be issued by the lady of the house, I was called by father in his study. 

"Have a seat, Antoinette," he said, pointing to a seat in front of him. Unlike mother, who liked to call me Nette, father always addressed me by my full name.

"During breakfast, we were discussing my marriage. But it is disgraceful of me to talk about my marriage without my daughter having met at least one suitor. You need to find suitors my child. You can't always stay alone, here in my house."

"But father-"

"I will not hear any protests. You will find a suitor in this ball, otherwise I will marry you off to someone of my choice," his voice held finality.

"Father, I will find someone, I just need some more time," I pleaded.

"How much more?" He finally agreed.


"Till what?" He was getting impatient now.

"Till the Annual Celebration of the Palace," I muttered the first event that came to my mind.

"Then you have just 20 days to prepare yourself." He turned to his papers, indicating that I was dismissed.

In hurry to reply, I forgot that the Annual Celebration was in just twenty days. That was just three days after my father's engagement. Since I had to leave a day earlier to reach in time and make myself at home, I would not be able to meet my step-mother and step-sisters properly. And I had to take Red with me, so she won't be able to meet them too. 

My step-sisters will come with me too, but representing the Windsor household, not the Gertrude one, meaning we will be on different floors. That too, if we both get the invitation. I was sure to get one, as the King gives cards in advance to all his nobles that he wants to invite in advance. 

But whatever happens, I had to find a suitor before the 29-day long celebration ends. Because I knew whoever father would choose, he would most likely be a friend's son. And none of his friend's son are good enough.

As I had my evening tea, I wondered what would happen at the masquerade, and more importantly, at the celebration. 

As I had my dinner, I wondered how this new marriage would end and how I would adjust with my new family.

As I tucked into bed, I wondered only one thing.

Will the Prince grace the ball with his presence?


743 words.

(Seems so short, but is not.)


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