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Fitz POV

When Sophie tried to kill herself I felt my like a part of me was missing.

When I reached out to pull her out she told me, " Leave me alone! Let me die. No one will miss me anyway. "

I ran to Magnate Leto 's office.

After 2 hours of persuasion, we had to bring Keefe in to help.

Finally, we got her to come out of the void. She was almost completely faded. Bullhorn sat there for a week and Elwin was monitoring her 24\7.

Keefe sat there and talked to her, sending her calm emotions. He brushed her hair out of her face. He rubbed her face and held her hand.

When he was doing that, I remembered I used to do that.

Suddenly ,all of that rage and emotions made me mad at Keefe. Why was he doing that to my cognate, my best friend, and the girl of my dreams?!?! I left before I said something that I would regret.

Sophie POV

When I woke up I had no idea how long I had been out. I had barely opened my eyes and I was strangled with a big hug from Keefe.

"Oh, Foster. Don't EVER do that again. If you would've died I don't think I could've lived with myself. "
"Keefe, can't- breathe! "
"I have that effect on people!" Keefe said smirking. "I'm going to tell our friends that you're ok."

Keefe left and within 2 seconds Fitz had come in.
" No, no, no,get away!!!!! I don't wanna talk. "

When he kept getting closer I leaped out of bed, getting a rushing headache in the process and dragged him to the door and shut it.

The next day at school, I check Instagram. Fitz and Linh are now a thing. Four million likes. And the whole school's congratulating them. I

Then, while I scrolling through Instagram, I hear a crisp-accented voice and shove my air pods in and blast music. He's talking to me. I can't hear him. Then he screams telepathically "SOPHIE ELIZABETH FOSTER GET THOSE OUT OF YOUR EARS!"

"No!!" I say out loud. "Go see if your girlfriend it's available! Oh, and by the way congrats on your 4 week anniversary!"

"What?!! Girlfriend, 4 week anniversary, what are you talking about?"
"Have you checked Instagram yet? You know you and Linh???"
" Well, maybe you should. Goodbye. "

In school the next day, I walk through the hallways and stare and my shoes like they have the answers to my problems. Fitz comes up to me and I plan to ignore him, like usual.

"Sophie, you don't understand!" He starts. " I don't like Linh, I love you. You're my cognate, best friend, smart, beautiful. I don't like Linh, I never will, and I've been wanting to do this for so long."

Then he pins me up against the locker and kisses me in the middle of a crowded hallway. I hear photos snapping. He pulls away and I see a sassy looking Linh.

The Extremely Complicated Love Life of Sophie FosterWhere stories live. Discover now