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"What? Hello? Who is this?" I spoke into the phone at the bright and early time of 6 a.m. "I told you I'd call honey." His voice spoke loud into the phone. Honey? "Oh I'm sorry Mr. Olson! I'm so sorry. Did I get the job?" Of course I got the job, he said he would call if I got it. "Did you even listen to anything I said yesterday? If you're not going to listen then this isn't going to work." I was panicking, I can't believe I'm so stupid. "No sir I'm terribly sorry I will listen, I was nervous yesterday." "Good. Be here at 8 a.m sharp. I do not do late Miss. Carlo. Wear something like you worse yesterday, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you." The tone in his voice scared me but also made me blush. "Yes sir, see you at 8."

The phone hung up and I frantically got up to get dressed. I was exhausted, lack of sleep from the interview, worrying if I was up to standard with all of the other beautiful women there. I let down my black hair that reached almost to my waist and straightened it, put on a tight black thin strapped dress that went to my mid thigh. I did a black smokey eye and a dark red lipstick.

I took an uber to the office and anxiously waited in the elevator for the doors to open on the correct floor. It stopped and so did my heart, "Miss Carlo." The once friendly Alice spoke in a rude tone. She seemed almost irritated that I was back. She walked faster than she did yesterday, angrily she knocked on the door. It once again opened as if on its own and I walked in, shaking in my heels they tapped on the floor. I could hear the anxiety in the steps I was taking, the door slammed shut making me jump out of my skin. There was no one in here this time, just me and the dark intimidating room.

I sat in there for what felt like hours, but when I looked up at the clock it had only been 5 minutes. I was fiddling with my fingernails when a door opened and I shot straight up. Trembling in fear I stood up to be met with his gaze, he hummed and bit his lip. "Hello again Miss. Carlo" he spoke with a smirk on his face, making me immediately look down in fear. "What did I tell you about looking down." He hissed at me and my head shot straight up "Sorry Sir. A-and you can call me Olive, that's my name."

I found him once again scanning my body up and down, checking to see if I was up to par. "s-so what a-am I going to do for you Mr. Olson?" I asked as I sat back down in the leather armchair in front of his desk. "Talk with confidence, I'm not scary. Although, I do love how nervous you are around me." He bites on his lip piercings while staring deep into my eyes. God was he attractive, even if he wasn't rich I'd still be intimidated by his sheer beauty.

"You'll do basic things, take my mail, go grocery shopping, sometime I'll need to take you to dinner parties." Grocery shopping? Dinner parties? "I thought I'd be working with the ladies here? Like front desk or something?" He laughed at me. "Why would you think that? They don't compare to you." He got up and walked over to me and sat down to my eye level while putting his hand under my chin, pulling it up to make eye contact with him. "Go to the mirror, look at how beautiful you look, they're nothing compared to you. They're whores who just want to fuck me and throw hissy fits when I don't, so I have to pay them to keep their mouth shut." I was shocked at what he said, but did as I was told and walked over to the large mirror on the wall. "Look at you." He whispered leaning into my ear. I looked, but saw nothing that I hadn't seen before, nothing special, no one attractive, ugly. Mr. Olson trailed his hand up my side up to my hair pushing it out of my face. "See, beautiful." He spoke and motioned me to sit back down.

"Your duties are simple but time consuming, I will need you at my beck and call 24/7. In the house it's just me, my live-in house cleaner and every few months, my wife." His voice was hushed when he mentioned her, I don't think I'd get along with her. "Wait, I thought I was going to be working here?" "You're my personal assistant, not my office assistant. Also you'll need to move into my house. You'll have your own room and bathroom of course, but I will need you to live there." Live there?? With him?? "Oh, okay. When can I move?" "As soon as possible. And by that, I mean tomorrow. By 8 p.m is when I'll need you there."

So soon?? I guess it's good all I have in my apartment is my clothes and toiletries, the rest is Kats'. "Yes Sir. I'll be there." "When it's just us, for now, you can call me Ricky, we'll reevaluate that later." He stood up again, walking over to me, his glance telling me to stand up as well. "God." He whispered, "I could just-" he stopped himself before finishing his sentence. I could feel the tension coming from his body as he walked over to me, stopping just inches away. Pulling my chin up with his hand my eyes once again met his gorgeous crystal blues, we stood there, breathing heavily, mine being from anxiety but his felt like lust. He looked at me like he hadn't been touched in months. I wonder if he would ever let me? No, Olive are you even more stupid than you were this morning? Why would someone like him let someone like me do something like that.

I was snapped from my thoughts when the door flew open and Mr... uh Ricky stepped away from me, composing himself. Alice walked over and whispered something into his ear and rushed off. "I'm sorry Miss. Carlo, oh I mean Olive, but something has come up and I must handle it. I'll see you tomorrow, no later than 8 p.m. Have a wonderful rest of your night, I look forward to it." He smirked and left the room, leaving me in the heat of whatever that moment was. HELLO HE'S MARRIED I thought, I must've misinterpreted the situation that just happened, but god was it hot.

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