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|the real world

Steve's POV

I pause the movie playing on the television as my ears pick up the sound of the front door opening. Thor stirs beside me, yawning as he sits up straighter, "Is he back?" He groggily asks, rubbing at his eyes with his knuckles. We've been waiting for the sun to set, Sebastian ran out to the store to get some 'essentials' for our first all-nighter.

Shooting star watch starts tonight. We may get lucky, have one shoot across the sky tonight, our wish to return home granted just like that. It's doubtful, extremely, but Thor is excited. Sebastian is too, I'm just going along with the hype. It's lovely to see him happy about something instead of sulking with a bottle of liquor in his bedroom blaring depressing rock music.

Dodger sits up from where he lies on the floor beside my feet, staring at the doorway that leads into the foyer, blinking his eyes sleepily. I shrug, "Either him or the maid," I scratch behind Dodger's ears, his tail wagging as I smile down at him, "Good boy." I need to get a dog when I return home, get my own apartment and just get a cute little golden retriever or something.

My alien friend stands up, stretching before he walks over to the window that overlooks Sebastian's backyard. He has pillow imprints on his face, eyes unfocused and sleepy as he glances back at me, warmly smiling for some unknown Thor reason. The sun is finally setting in the horizon, we've been waiting for what feels like decades for it. We played board games, that Sebastian won every time, and watched some films. He wants us to start watching the marvel movies tomorrow, wants to know what this universe got right and what it got very wrong about our world; our lives. "The maid scares me." He mumbles nervously, banging his forehead against the window a few times, "Do I have to stay up with you guys? Sleep sounds more appealing."

I'm not about to spend a night star gazing with Sebastian, let my heart grow more attached to him. I clutch a throw pillow to my chest, smelling Sebastian's cologne on it. Dodger hops up on the now empty space beside me, resting his head on my thigh. "We're in this together, pal. Sleep deprivation is about to become a big part of our lives."

He does a nervous little walk, eyes continuously looking towards the doorway, still dazed from sleep. Guess he didn't like The Great Gatsby, he passed out within the first ten minutes. "Think it'll work? Making a wish on a meteor?" He asks with a sigh, relaxing his shoulders as Sebastian comes waltzing into the room with a tray of iced coffee in his left hand, a large paper bag in his right.

"It'll work." I mouth to him, nodding my head solemnly. Sebastian hands me a large plastic cup of iced coffee, the liquid a creamy white color. "Thank you." I thank my charmingly handsome friend, who looks all warm and cozy in his trench coat, cheeks tinted pink. It's barely cold enough out there for him to be dressed this warmly, though he doesn't appear to be bothered in the slightest. He hands Thor his coffee before plopping down in the chair closest to me, Thor not leaving his spot by the window.

"You only drink black coffee and it grosses me out, so I got you both my favorite."

I watch Sebastian lean forward, dumping the contents of the paper bag onto the coffee table, gleeful expression plastered across his energized face, due to the unhealthy amount of caffeine he's consumed today. It helps keep him away from the alcohol and that's what matters. It appears he only purchased an assortment of snacks, Thor grabs a pack of skittles, ripping the bag open rather aggressively.

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