He's Alive

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Catty Pov

"Catty" I wasnt listing as i was deep in thought "CATTY!" Marinette screamed at me as she finally got my attention "what" I say "I've been calling ya for the last 5 minutes what were you thinking about" she asks "Mephesto" I say calmly "UH WHAT why were you thinking about him" I sigh "I just have this feeling hes alive" I say "alive but-" i cut Mari off "yeah but they never found his body and Praxina sure as hell didnt take it" I say she sighs "okay cant we try find out somehow if he is or not" she asks curiously "wait yeah there is I totally forgot since Chloe is With Nathaniel we can do this ourselves  come on" I say as I drag her to the magic library "okay so all Magic Users like us have something to be tracked for us it's our jewels even Mephesto and Praxina have one so we can track Mephesto's one" I say she nods "now do you still have that peice of Cape that Was the only thing left of Mephesto" she nods and grabs it and hands it to me "alright" I take a deep breath "he has a magic ear peice that's his Jewel now to track it" I say


I say as his Tracker pops up on the map "Hes Alive..." I Gasp

Lolirock  Miraculous Crossover AU Book 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now