shes looking

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Praxina POV

I've been trying to find out who that guy is he looks so cant be that xant be him he died............but maybe it is I need to find out more I can spy on them and find out

Catty POV

We were going to the fair today but first we had to go grab Mephesto we were already there setting up a concert but he was getting into normal clothes and not his Cape and "armour" is that what it even is oh i dont know but we grabbed him from the house and headed back to the fair this little girl fell of a swing and he saw he ran and helped her up "are you okay anything hurt?" He asks worried woah honestly it's nice to see him so not evil after the girl was okay I called him over "MEPHESTO!" I call he comes over "yeah" he asks "be careful since your still not used to being out since your memory loss" I tell him I dont want him to run into trouble "okay I will dont worry"

Praxina POV

So it is him......he has memory cant keep this up......why am I even evil?.......ugh I'm so stupid...........

Lolirock  Miraculous Crossover AU Book 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now