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Its quite.
Very quite.
We'd just come back form touring and can I tell god I'm knackered.
I walk through my front door and dump my bag to the side, deeply sighing two very excited dogs jump around at my feet. Smiling to myself I kneel down and scratch behind their ears, Hugo jumps against my chest sending me flying, Softly laughing both dogs begin to lick any showing skin. Knocked me from the moment with the dogs my mum walks in with some food, disentangling myself from the dogs I jump up and bring her into an in brace. "Hello dear when did you get back!?" Pulling away from our hug she makes her way down the long hall way and through to the kitchen. "I've back about 5 minutes before you arrived." I say sitting on the island placed in the middle off the kitchen. A dog catches my eye through the window, their owner running around after it, smiling to myself my mum looks at me and smiles. Looking at her i blush and look down "someone caught your eye?" Caught me eye? I softly laugh to myself. "No mother" she laughs and raises her eyebrow at me, I just look at her and she places the food in front off me "eat up."

After clearing the plates away from the food we had eaten i decide to take Hugo and cookie out onto the field behind the house. Chucking my Beanie on with my coat, and chucking the dogs leads around my neck I lock the door and we begin our walk. Hugo running off and cookie staying by my side. Walking onto the grass a chill goes down my spine, it's quite cold for April I think to my self. Pulling my coat closer to my chest I being following the dogs.

Sorry this it quite small chapter!
I'm trying to figure what to write for the other chapters.
If you enjoyed this chapter please like it would be much appreciated 🙂
RB ❤️

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