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As I walk to meet this girl..that I'm yet to find her name, a lot off questions fill my head. Maybe she's got a boyfriend or even married, maybe this is just drinks, or maybe she's only going for drinks because I'm famous. Sighing I shake the thoughts from my head and carry on my way to the end off the field to where we agreed to meet. As I start to approach the field I see her leaning against a tree on her phone, god she looks stunning. Coming closer to her she puts her phone away and walks towards me, nervously I talk, "Hey" I say kissing her cheek, when I pull away she's smiling, "I'm yet to know your name..." I say pulling my coat closer to me "Oh god! Yes sorry I'm Amy" "Don't apologise..lovely name" smiling we begin our walk to the pub.
Hanging mine and Amy's coat on the coat rack she insists she buys the first round, giving in I find us a table and pull my phone out, as I pull it it out notice that I've got a few messages from mark and Howard,Rob...ill kill him I say to myself and shake my head. "What you shaking your head at?" Snapping my head up I look at Amy, I'm surprised I didn't give myself whip lash. "Oh just the lads" taking my drink I take a sip. "So Amy tell me something about your self" smiling she takes a sip off her drink "Er well I'm 27...I'm single...and I live here in London what about you?..tell me something about you Barlow ." She single..bingo.."well I'm 31 I'm single and I live here in London" laughing she shakes her head "so your telling me an amazing looking man like you is single?" Smiling "oh so you think I'm good looking?" "I mean who doesn't" laughing I reply to her comment "and yes I'm single have been for about a year now." Raising a eyebrow she goes to say something then stops. "Your stunning" what the fuck.. That came out from nowhere. "Seriously?" "Seriously" smiling I take a sip from my drink. "I'd love to take you out for dinner" "id love to Barlow" I can't help the grin on my face. "How about tomorrow I'll pick you up at 7" nodding  "it's a date"

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