5- What they think about you

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[hey I found this pic and I think it was cute Soo... Here you guys go]

I like them, I think that they're funny, cute and I absolutely love it when they just blurt out random vines.

I love them, not only for their body but the fact that their so smart. They can be really shy most of the time and I love it when they hide their face when I say that I love them.

I freakin love them, even if their depressed because of their family, I try and help them through it by showing them my totally cool magic tricks.

I love them, they remind me of myself, they have family problems and have guy issues but that's ok because we're into each other and I won't ever leave them for anyone.

I love them so much but it's so scary because I feel so overwhelmed and I don't know how to tell them that I love them, it feels like I have fireworks in my stomach when I'm with them.

I'm so gay for them, they might look like a girl and people will just assume that I'm 'bi' but they're genderless and I'm gay so people can go fuck themselves.

I love them, they're my human backpack. Only I can touch them. They smell nice and look like a Disney princess.

I think they're fantastic, they're body, scent, sense of humour and let's not forget dat ass.

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