Chapter 2: Alive and Kicking

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Chapter 2: Alive and Kicking

Klaus walks out of his room, but then stops as he picks up the scent of blood, he vamps down to the courtyard and saw blood-prints on the ground. One of the wolves, turning to humans as the other was of boots and the trail of clothing. Elijah returns to the compound and meets Klaus in the courtyard as he saw the blood and clothing on the ground. "Was this you, Niklaus?" Elijah asks him and Klaus looks at him "For the first time and I can't believe I'm saying this, Not this time." he informs him as he saw the blood and clothing on the ground. they followed the trail and it leads off into separate bathroom. Klaus walks into one and saw the shower running and three dead bodies of witches on the floor.

He exhales in surprise, not surprising that there were dead witches on the ground, but was surprised and confused why their dead witches in the first place, "Checking up on me?" Serena calls out from the showers. He sighs and looks at the curtains at the woman behind it, "I see you had a field-trip last night." he states, she smirks to herself. "Elliot and Eric took Hayley and me to the cauldron and to our surprise, we ran into some of your mother's witches and well, you see how that turned out," she informs him. "Well, it is a surprise. Shall I clean up for you?" he rhetorically asks, stepping over the dead witch.

Serena rolls her eyes then turns the shower off and pulls the curtain back to reveal herself in her naked glory and her hands on her hips. "I am never gently to my enemies. You know this," she informs him. He exhales, retraining himself and pulls out a towel to her. "I also know you can stain your hand from spilling any unnecessary bloodshed." he reminds her. She then snatched the towel from her. "No worse than what you've done, for sure," she states, wrapping herself in the towel and steps out of the shower. "You're better than me, Serena," he informs her.

But she arches her eyebrow at him, "Maybe I am, but maybe I'm not, but what I am is a half-breed now, you've seen my temper before and now that my werewolf gene is awake, well I have to do something to sustain it." she states and looks down at the dead witch with her throat torn out. "And Esther did have the witches try and kill Dustin and Hope, there's nothing more than a food appetizer for Hayley and means to release of rage," she informs him, looking back at him as he looks at her in surprise. "Pardon," she states and walks past him, he watches her, step to the door, kicking the dead witch and steps out of the room.

He then steps to the frame as Serena walks down to her room, "Serena." Hayley calls out and Serena smiles at her. "Hayley," she said and Hayley smiles back at her and they walk into their room. Elijah steps out and looks at his brother with worry.


The Mikaelson meet the Petrova brothers in the dining room, "You took them on a witch hunt?" Elijah questions them, Klaus paces behind him as Eric was enjoying his bourbon, feeling relaxed for the first time in months as Elliot was reading his book. "Well, you did complain about the white oak stake missing, we did a little spell, but whoever has it is powerful in keeping it hidden. So we popped on over to the Cauldron and politely asked for the location of the white oak stake." Elliot answers him.

Making Eric smirk. "And when they rudely refused us, we let Serena and Hayley have their fun. Elliot and I might of joined in. And oh, it was fun." he said with a smirk. "They grow more savage by the day. Can you both not see that they are falling apart?" Elijah questions them. "Actually, they are feeling themselves from all the rage they have pent up." Elliot states and looks up at them, "How is letting Serena go out on a killing spree helping her?" Klaus questions and Eric looks at him, "I'm surprised Nik, I thought you would be happy about the death of a few witches?" he questions. "Not her! Not you!" Klaus shouts.

Then looks away from them, even Elijah was shocked at him, then Elliot looks away from his book "There it is, you both hold those girls in too high standards." he states and leans back in his chair, "Serena and Hayley are like you and me now. Being what we are, accelerates everything that we are. Even being half-vampire. And once all that rage inside is calm down, you won't have to worry anymore. And being a wolf, we are the wildest things out there." he reminds him. Eric raised his glass to him, "Cheers to that." he states and sips his bourbon Elijah and Klaus just paced.

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