Chapter 10: Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire

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Morning came to the house in the middle of nowhere, Hope was already awoken from her nap as she stood in her crib, "Hi, honey. Mama's here." Hayley states as she walks into the room and picks Hayley up out of the crib, smiling down at her.

It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life.

Hayley walks out of the room as she then meets up with Serena, who stepped out of her shared room with her son, Dustin. She stops and smiles at Hayley, just knowing what happened last night after the gang left the two of them, alone. "Good morning," she tells her.

Hayley smiles back at her as Serena looks back at her son, he coos at her, making her smile and she perks his head, "My sweet baby boy." she mutters, as they both walked into the kitchen.

A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters, yet still, she claims to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us.

Hayley and Serena walked into the kitchen as Elijah was making breakfast, Hayley stood next to him, plucking one of the sliced up foods on the cutting board and pops it into her mouth.

Elijah stops as he looks right at her, Hayley looks up at him, unable to stop herself from smiling. Serena held a smug look on her face as she picks out a raspberry and pops it into her mouth.

Then Eric walks into the room, "We get it, enough with the eye sex already." he grumbles in a low and tired tone. The two blushed as they looked away from each other, Serena held back a laugh as she looks over at her brother, who pours himself a cup of coffee. "Grumpy already?" she asks him and he turns to her, leaning against the counter. "Until I have my coffee I will be the Grinch for all long as necessary," he informs her. Serena just giggles at her brother.

Elijah shot a death glare right at him, but it didn't faze Eric, "Oh calm down, just because you are suffering from side effects, does not mean you can take it out on me." he threw at him, sipping his coffee, Elijah sighs as the death glare was gone and Hayley looks away, finding Eric's grumpiness funny.

The two then step out of the room as Elijah exhales and sets the bowl to the side, Eric shot a glance over at him, seeing him inhaling deeply as his hands were shaking.

The Noble Elijah,

tormented by long-buried, shameful secrets.

The memories playback in his mind, the murder of Tatia and the people inside the diner were still fresh in his mind, he grips the stirrer tightly in his hand, trying to keep it all in.

But then a hand gently grips his, making him open his eyes and looks over, seeing Mairi standing next to him. "Steady breathing. Calm and gentle," she instructed him, he inhales deeply and exhales with relief. "There you go. Easy, easy," she tells him as he lowers the stirrer into the bowl.


the wily troublemaker. Out for no one but himself.


the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily warped by our mother's sick hate.

Fierce Rebekah,

willing to risk everything on the chance that she might one day find happiness.

And me,

the bastard child, my mother's greatest shame.

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