Chapter II: Port O' Potties

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And all at once, I'm 7 again.

And little Katsuki is standing there, the ash in his hair contrasting against the bright purple swing set, yelling so furiously at poor Izuku that it's unbelievable that someone so small could contain so much anger. 

"You looked at her! You looked at her and you looked at her for too long! You know that's my GIRLFRIEND, right, Deku?!" The boy in my flashback shouted, his red eyes seeming to pierce right through the other child's green ones, extra pride on the word 'girlfriend'.

"K-Kacchan, I-I swear I wasn't... It was j-just the slide behind her!" The quirkless kiddo shivered, backing into the climbing wall nearby, cornered.

"Don't lie to me, butthead! Next time, I'm taking your lunch money." Kacchan turned towards me, standing surprised in the distance, and began to amble away. "Let's go to the other side of the playground, (Y/N)." 

And all at once, I'm (Y/AGE) again. 

There's people crashing into me, left and right and left and right. Just because I know WHERE I'm going, doesn't mean I know HOW I'm getting there. Before I could say anything, I hear a




from in front of me. Looking up, I know I didn't just shove any stranger.

I just shoved Katsuki Bakugou.

He's here he's here he's here and I'm inexplicably speechless. I haven't seen him since, what, middle school? But it feels like it's been both a million years and just an hour at once.  My lips remain parted, searching for something to say, some sort of apology, but instead I just stare up at the fiery orbs I've been searching for. He's above-average looking, but I can see the boy I grew up with behind the appearance.

It wasn't long until my daze was interrupted by a voice that matched the aggravated expression. For a second before he spoke, it was almost like he recognized me, too. "What do you think this is? Do you think you can just push somebody like ME and not face the consequences?!"

I've gone stupid. "I uh... Not exactly?"

"Not exactly? NOT EXACTLY?" 

"That's what I said, sir."

A smile of disbelief pulled at the corners of his lips, almost as if his thoughts at war with his muscles. "Where are you supposed to be, anyway? Cleaning the Port O' Potties would be my best guess." He has his arms crossed,  jaw clenched, and I barely realized we were moving. 

My jaw drops slightly. Cleaning the Port O' Potties, is he serious? "Actually, I'm the head barista. Y'know, the head barista who should've been standing on that platform FIVE MINUTES AGO!" I straighten out my outfit and my face feels hot. I need to ignore him and get up there, but at this rate, it's gonna take a whole nother five minutes to do so. I'm nearly jogging ahead as the crowd disperses to the sides, out of breath when I'm finally in my spot. I forge a grin for the people, feeling a frustrated look my boss sent my way. Getting on the nerves of both Katsuki Bakugou and Eiichi Viva in the span of an hour: not how I planned on spending my big day. 

The cheers start in perfect unison as plastic-looking Mr. Viva steps up to the main microphone, and the day has begun.

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