Chapter 4

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(3 years later)
(Damon has turned caroline into a vampire)
(Elena is with stefan)
( Jeremy has found his love -bonnie)
(Kai a evil male witch who hates damon)

(Elena talking to stefan )
Elena: I'm really sorry stefan i didn't want to break your heart like this but i like damon.
Stefan:what why elena
Elena: plz I'm really sorry
Stefan:(sighs) ok

Damon: wheres elena
Bonnie: i think she's talking to stefan
Damon: god she knows theirs danger
Caroline: she is with stefan I'm sure she will be ok

(Doorbell rings)
Damon runs to open the door and bumps into a alone stefan
Damon: where's elena
Stefan: she was with me but she said she's going home she said it an hour ago she should be here by now

(The phone rings)
On the phone
Kai: I see you noticed elena is missing
Damon: if you do anything then watch i will kill you
Kai: ok i wont do anything to elena but maybe bonnie.
(Damon slams the phone onto the wall)

(Damon looks around and asks for bonnie and suddenly hear caroline scream)

In the kitchen
Caroline: she was cooking food and she just fainted her heart beat has gone to i think shes..... (caroline burst into tears)
Damon: no this cant happen ( he runs to bonnie and try's to wake her up)
Caroline: please stefan help please (she runs and hugs stefan)
(Elena walks in confused)
Elena:whats going on
Kai: i will tell you bonnie has been put into a deep sleep and the only way to save her is to put you into a deep sleep so bonnie can live (kai holds Elena's hands and chants a few words elena falls to the ground)
Damon: no elena please elena get up.
(Bonnie wakes up and she is so confused )
Bonnie :whats happened
Kai: ask damon he knows everything
Damon: ok come on reverse this spell i will do anything
(Jeremy walks in and sees elena dead )
Jeremy:who did this
Kai:the one and only me
(Jeremy grabs the wooden stake and pierces it through kai's heart)
Damon: no jeremy what have you done now what will we do kill someone to save elena
Jeremy : who is it i will kill that person to wake my sister up
Damon:bonnie will you kill her !will u?
(Jeremy pulls bonnie towards him and points the knife towards her heart)
Jeremy: yes i will
Bonnie: jeremy just do it i would love to die for elena
Stefan: you loved her you still do how can you forget
(A tear falls down Bonnie's eye onto Jeremy's hand the tear melts jeremy and he falls into tears and hugs bonnie)
Jeremy: I'm so sorry i don't know what to do

The next day

(Damon brings a beautiful coffin for elena with a lovely red leather pillow with a white silk cover duvet)

Caroline: wheres stefan
Damon: you're caring a lot about him aren't you.
Caroline: shut up

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