Immunity (A Zombie Novel)

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Lizzy gathered the water from her family's water collector, a bucket that was left outside last night in the rain. 

The bucket was half full and Lizzy smiled, her family would be able to survive on this for a few weeks. 

"Lizzy?" Her brother called from across the clearing, "Where are you?"

Lizzy called back, grinning from excitement and happiness, "I'm over here, Andrew!"

Her brother appeared from behind a few trees and ran towards her, his eyes sparkling with excitement, "How much water is there?"

Lizzy showed him the contents of the bucket, "Enough to last us a long time."

Her brother pushed his black hair out of his face, "Let's get this back to Dad!"

Lizzy and her brother walked back towards their make-shift home, a falling apart cabin.

Andrew was grinning and said, "Pop and Dad will be so happy that we have so much water."

They were greeted by their fathers who reacted with the same enthusiasm as they did, the land around them had been very dry recently and the trees had begone to die until it had begun to rain once again so the sight of this much water was rare.

The family celebrated with a bonfire, telling stories around it until Andrew was starting to fall asleep sitting on a log.

Their dad, Michael, offered to put Andrew to bed but Andrew, a typical ten-year-old insisted that he could go back to bed by himself. 

Once he had left, Lizzy asked, "Can you tell me how you found me and Andrew?"

Michael and Ben looked at each other fondly and then Ben narrated the story,

"We were running from a few particularly fast zombies when we heard a kid crying. We followed the noise and found you, trying to comfort Andrew. We-"

Ben was about to tell her more but then they heard a scream.

Michael stood up quickly, Ben following after him. 

Ben called, "Andrew! Did something happen?"

Andrew screamed again and the two men ran towards the old cabin. 

Lizzy grabbed a stick and stuck it into the bonfire, turning it into a torch and running after them, fear coursing through her. 

Lizzy screamed when she saw a distorted figure crouched over Andrew's still body, facing away from them. 

The creature turned and lunged at Michael, it's teeth bared, ready to sink into Michael's dark skin. 

A bang echoed through the forest and the creature, a zombie, fell at Michael's feet, dead. 

Ben lowered his gun, exposing his pale face, full of fear.

Lizzy tried to rush to her brother's side but Michael grabbed her and pulled her back before she could get closer. 

Andrew's body spasmed and the light from Lizzy's torch exposed a dark bite on Andrew's arm, seeping blood. 

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