JackxCrutchie (SFW)

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A/N: SFW means "safe for work" meaning this story and any future stories with SFW are no smut (aka sex). Ones with NSFW will have some smut.

-----Crutchie POV-----

"Oh come on, is it so bad for me to wanna see the stars at night?" teased Jack.

"Yeah, you're seeing stars all right!" I teased back. And this is how it was up here on the rooftops. While the other Newsies slept lower down on the fire escapes, Jack let me sleep up here with him, in his "penthouse in the sky" as he liked to call it. Life living with Jack was as perfect as it could be. We laugh together as Jack mimics riding a palomino across the roof. I can't help but grin as I see his dorky face and his brown hair flapping as he gallops across the rooftop. It takes a lot of effort not to reach out and stroke that waving hair, to kiss that dimpled face... okay, I take back what I said before. Living with Jack was almost perfect. I could never tell him this but I have a huge crush on Jack. He sees me as a brother; if I told him I loved him what would happen? I can't risk it, I can't lose my cru- 

my brother.

-----Jack POV-----

I hopped like an idiot across the rooftop and couldn't help but laugh at how stupid I looked. It was all worth it, though, because Crutchie started to laugh too. God, that little giggle of his. It sends flutters through my stomach every time I hear it. Life on the rooftop was a dream with Crutchie. I jogged back over to him, still laughing. When we finally died down, I looked up at the sky. Stars were starting to speckle the dark sky. 

"We should probably get to sleep soon. Don't wanna be late to the circulation window tomorrow" I remarked. He agreed and we got into our sleeping bags. I helped ease Crutchie down into his bag because his leg was bothering him. I zipped up his sleeping bag and as I zipped up next to his face, I had a sudden inexplicable urge to lean over and kiss him. 

Wait what? That's a new thought. 

Crutchie must have noticed me pause because he asked, "Hey Jackie you alright?" I snapped out of it, shaking my head.

"Yeah just spaced out there for a sec" I responded. I headed across the rooftop to my sleeping bag and climbed in. Why did that thought pop into my head? I must've been thinking on the forehead or something. Like a little brother. That must be it, I tried to convince myself. Reassured, I rolled over and went to sleep. 

-----Crutchie POV-----

I woke up the next morning before the bell. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Looking over to Jack, I could see he was still asleep. My heart warmed seeing him so peaceful. He does so much for me. I don't even have to ask for help, he just knows when I need it. That's probably a good thing since I never ask for help anyways. I can do things by myself, it's just more convenient to have Jack help, I tried to reassure myself. 

Leaning heavily on my crutch, I dragged myself out of the sleeping bag and put on my hat. Maybe if I got a headstart down to the circulation desk Jack would be impressed with how independent I am. Maybe he would see me as someone worth dating. If only I thought to myself. I hobbled over to the ladder and put my crutch down. Sitting, I carefully started to inch myself down the fire escape. Suddenly, my hand slipped and I was dangling 100 feet above the streets of Manhattan. 

-----Jack POV-----

I awoke to the sound of someone screaming. Not just someone. Crutchie. I bolted up, practically taking my sleeping bag with me. To my horror, Crutchie was dangling from the fire escape. 

"Cruchie!" I yelled. I raced over to him and grabbed his arms. 

"Jack help me!" he cried, a look of pure terror on his face. My heart nearly snapped in two. It was a look I never wanted to ever see on his precious little face ever again. With as much strength as I could muster, I hauled him back onto the balcony with a grunt. We sat there for a moment, panting. 

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