Scorbus SFW

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TW: mild PTSD 

-----Albus POV-----

I awoke suddenly at the sound of a soft sniffling to my right. I'm usually a heavy sleeper so this was unusual. As I was trying to fall back asleep, I heard the sniffle again. Scorpius is crying! I jump out of bed and rush to his bedside. My heart dropped. Scorpius was sitting up in his four-post with his head in his knees, rocking back and forth. 

"Scorp what's wrong?" I knelt beside him and reached out to rub his back. He flinched at my touch, which caused my heart to twinge a bit. "Hey, it's just me" I reassured him.  

"I can't get away from it. Even in my sleep, I can't get away" Scorpius sobbed. 

"Get away from what?" I asked, perplexed. He had been acting weird since the whole Delphi incident. We had jumped into the water and we resurfaced he acted like he hadn't seen me in years. 

"Scor," I began cautiously, "what happened that night in the lake?" 

-----Scorpius POV-----

I looked up suddenly. How could I tell Albus what happened? The person I was in that timeline? I was a monster. Albus's voice broke through my thoughts.

"You don't have to tell me Scor, I just want to help. I understand if it's too hard to talk about."

That's why I love Albus. He always wants to- no needs to help. I sat upright and leaned back on my heels. 

"No. You deserve to know. Just- don't hate me please" I mustered. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. 

Albus's eyes softened, though still filled with worry. "Scorpius, there is nothing that you could say to me that would make me hate you." His voice was calm and soothing. After a few deep breaths, I relented and began to recall that fateful night. 

"When we jumped in the water, the time turner did something weird and I when I resurfaced, you weren't there" I explained. I clambered out of the water and I was calling your name and you weren't there-" I started to choke up. I felt Albus rub my back, silently encouraging me to continue. "I- I was shouting your name and a lady came up to me. I could smell her horrid perfume from a few feet away. I looked up and-" I paused. "I could've recognized that face anywhere. I've seen her in our books. It was Dolores Umbridge". Albus's eyes widened. 

"What?!" Albus exclaimed, "A-are you sure?"

"She's not exactly easy to misidentify" I retorted. "Anyways, I was sure she was going to kill me for being in the lake, but I seemed to be on her good side. She just told me to get out of the water and asked me what I was yelling about. I asked her where you were and she got this perplexed look on her face". My eyes started welling again. "Y-you're dad had died in the war. You didn't exist" I blubbered. 

"Hey, I'm here now. I'm right here" murmured Albus. His brown eyes stared intently into my eyes. I nodded, taking a shaky breath.

"I blamed it on the water and went inside with Professor Umbri-" Albus cut me off. 

"Don't call her a professor. She doesn't deserve it. Dad and I call her Umbitch" he said. A small smile escaped my lips at that name.

"Okay. So anyways, Umbitch led me to her office and warmed me up by her fireplace. I've never felt so threatened by kittens before" I added, earning a chuckle from Albus. Merlin, that laugh. The way his cheeks glowed a rosy pink, accented by his sharp jawline made me giddy at the core. I couldn't help but stare as his Adam's apple bobbed at my quip. 

"Uhh, Scor? You there mate?" Albus waved his hand in front of my blank eyes and I snapped back.  

"Y-yeah sorry. Musta zoned out for a moment" I stammered, my face heating up. I hope he didn't notice me staring like a creep.

"I've been trying to get your attention for like 15 seconds" Albus teased.

"R-right. Sorry. After my robes were dry I left her office. A bunch of popular Slytherin boys came up to me and started chatting. They were calling me the Scorpion King and patted my back like I was one of them and then-" I faltered. How was I going to say this? "They started congratulating me" I finished. 

"Congratulated you for what?" Albus asked. Damn it. I was hoping he wouldn't ask. How was I supposed to answer that? I can't like to Albus but how can I tell him what I did? How could I tell him what a cruel person I had become? Shakily, I confessed everything I had been holding back for so long.

-----Albus POV-----

"I beat a muggle-born" Scorpius finally responded. I felt my eyes widen. "I beat him so bad he was unconscious in the hospital-wing" he sobbed, his voice barely a whisper. He started shaking harder. "I did it for- I did it for Voldemort Day". 

I sat stunned for a moment, trying to process everything he had just told me. Scorpius had been trapped in a world where I didn't exist, and Voldemort reigned supreme. His words echoed in my head. He had beaten up a muggle-born, but he was popular. I chose my next words very carefully.

"What was it like? All of it; being popular, picking on that kid? Were you happy?" I asked, my voice hoarse and barely above a whisper. 

"It was horrible! These boys were the scum of the earth. I don't remember actually hitting the kid. I think it happened before this timeline's I went back. I'M SO SORRY!" Scorpius wailed, no longer trying to muffle his cries as they wracked his tiny body. 

"Scor, you have nothing to be ashamed of. That wasn't the real you; it was a figment of Voldemort's regime. The Scorpius I know is kind, gentle, loving, smart, funny, and absolutely adorable" I reassured him, blushing slightly that I actually said the 'adorable' part out loud.

He sniffled and looked up. "Really? You don't hate me?" His big eyes stared up at me and I could see the fear and pain behind them.

I didn't know how to answer that. There are no words to describe how much I love this child. Instead, I clambered up onto his bed and embraced him. 

-----Scorpius POV-----

I looked up suddenly at the added weight to my bed. My face was met with Albus's shoulder as he wrapped me into a hug. Wait we hug? I thought we agreed not t- screw it. I returned the embrace and let myself cry into his shoulder. His warmth flooded into me as I squeezed him tighter. After far too short of a hug Albus finally released me from his grasp and sat back on his heels to look at me.

"I thought we didn't hug" I grinned weakly. I knew he saw right through my ruse but I didn't care. 

"You needed one. Besides, you can't deny you didn't like it" Albus rebutted.

I blushed a tad, then decided to ask the question in the back of my mind. "Do you really think I'm adorable?" 

Now it was Albus's turn to blush. "I- uh- well- I meant li-" Albus stammered but I cut him off with another hug.

"I think you're even cuter" I murmured into his ear. I could feel his face heat up and both of our hearts began to race. I pulled away slightly. We were still holding one another but I could see his now reddened face. 

"Well, it's just that-" Albus paused. He glanced down to my lips, lingering there for a moment before looking back into my eyes. And then he kissed me. 

A spark exploded in my chest as his lips pressed into mine. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned further into the kiss. Oh my god. I'm kissing my best friend. Thoughts raced around my head at lightspeed. I'd kissed a couple of girls before and even a boy once but nothing compared to this. At that moment, I realized I had been missing this in my life. Now that I had Albus in this way, I could never go back. I grazed his bottom lip with the tip of my tongue and after a second or two, I felt his tongue lightly circle my own. We stayed like that for a blissful few moments, exploring one another, neither of us wanting the moment to end. Eventually, Albus gently leaned back for air. 

"Wow," I breathed, "that was- I liked that" I swallowed.

"Me too" whispered Albus, "but I like you even more".

"I like you too" I replied, grinning like an idiot. I kissed his nose and then pulled the covers up around me. "We still have a few more hours before breakfast. Will you stay with me?" I asked, offering him a corner of the sheets. He grinned, crawling under the blankets and cuddling up next to me.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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