Chapter 33 - Jetsetter Ivy.

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*Author’s note*


and on a different note - I'm so sorry I haven't written! yr 12 is crazy, and I am busy ALL the time - oh, and I'm also addicted to One tree hill, a TV show that is absolutely amazing and sad and depressing and it makes me cry but it's AMAZING.

damn shows that make me cry :'(


so this chapter is longer than most because of the time delay! sorry guysss :(

enjoy dear directioners slash random people :D


Chapter 33 - @Julia_Golafshan (twitter)

*Ivy’s POV*

Beck and I got a wonderful sleep, and woke up around 11am; however, while we were just stretching and laughing about things, the door burst open and four crazy guys ran in...


“IVYYYYYY! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD YOU SLEPT FOR SO LONG!!!” screamed Louis, as he tackled me and started tickling me.

“Whoa there Superman! I just woke up, would you mind tickling me to death later?” I gasped, in between laughs.

“SHE CALLED ME SUPERMAN!” he yelled again, and this time started running around the room in useless circles.

Oh well, whatever makes your day... crazy kid.

Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn all came and sat on the floor with Beck and I, and they started telling me about how we had to leave really soon, and what the exact plans were.

Beck and I both grabbed a bowl of Frosty Fruits cereal, and as they kept explaining she whispered to me, “I still can’t believe you get to go on tour with freaking one direction! You’re so lucky girl!”

Straight away though, she seemed to realize what she said, and apologized; “I am so sorry – I forgot about your... dad.”

“It’s okay,” I whispered back, but then Harry interrupted me.

“Ladies... are you done gossiping? You know, secrets don’t make friends.”

For a second I thought he was serious, but then he winked at me and I threw the closest item available at his face.

Unfortunately, it was a plastic cup – fortunately it still had liquid in it, and went all over his precious little curls.

Immediately everyone burst out laughing, and he glared at me while I smiled back.

“Guess you need to go have a shower now, curly boy,” I said, and I winked back at him.

Everyone laughed, and from the hallway emerged a very sleepy-looking Niall, obviously awoken by the sound of everyone having fun.

“Good morning sleepyhead,” I smiled at him as he came over to me; he gave me a kiss, and Zayn wolf-whistled, right in front of me.

I poked my tongue out at him, and he winked back at me, just as Harry came and started tickling me.

“ENOUGH WITH THE TICKLING ALREADY! Why do you guys insist on torturing me?” I yelled, pretending to be mad at them, but I signalled Beck – by the time they realized I was joking, it was too late.

We assaulted the boys with a multitude of pillows, and soon feathers were flying everywhere, and the room was full of laughing and shouting and fun!

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