Chapter 1 - A Life Taken

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(Your POV):
I ran through my task in my head over and over, determined not to fail. I had been training for years for this moment, to prove that I was worthy and I wasn't going to let anything get in my way.

The middle aged man walked into my view, coming home from work as he did everyday while I hid waiting for him. As he grew closer, I rushed out to meet him, quickly intercepting his path. He did a double take, backing away from the sudden movement, but relaxed when he realized that I was only a child.

"Excuse me, mister," I whimpered, playing the part of a frightened child. "My mom- we got separated and now I can't find her. I-I don't know where she could be. I'm scared."

The man lowered himself to my level, giving me a kind smile. It surprised me to see the evil man looking so genuinely caring, but I knew that bad guys were always good actors. And that was why I had to be an actor as well, I had to trick them in order to stop them from tricking us.

"Don't worry, sweetie, I'm sure your mother is looking for you as well. I'll bring you to the police station, I'm sure that she'll be there waiting for you," he assured me as I inched closer, my hand wrapping around the hilt of the dagger sheathed in my pants.

"Thank you, I-I didn't mean to wander off, I just got distracted by this really pretty doll in the window over there and when I turned back, my mom was gone," I lied, tears easily slipping down my cheeks as I worked myself up, inching even closer as though seeking comfort.

However, once close enough, I plunged the dagger into the man's chest, right where my parents had taught me. His eyes widened as a small sound of pain slipped out of his mouth, the man stumbling backwards as I ripped the dagger back out. He collapsed onto the sidewalk and bled out as I retreated back into the shadows to report my kill to my parents.
Words were not necessary as I handed my father, who had been watching the scene play out from afar with my mother, the bloody dagger. He nodded as he accepted it, that being the only form of praise he seemed to know how to give.

"You have one more test before we consider you fit for the field," he informed me, my heart dropping. I had killed the man they had told me to, I thought that was the test. But apparently it was not over yet. "Do you see that woman across the street? When she passes under the marquee, I want you to drop it on her head to kill her."

My brows furrowed involuntarily, "is she a bad woman, too?"

"No, but sometimes when you have to kill the bad people, innocents get in the way. We need to be sure that you can handle killing those who hinder your mission, even if they do so unknowingly," my father explained.

It felt wrong to kill an innocent, but if my parents said that it was necessary then I had to do it. I wanted to become the fighter that they had been raising me to be, to prove to them that I was ready for more. Besides, perhaps I would have to cause a few casualties and it was better to know I was capable of eliminating bystanders now before I began taking on missions.

I focused my attention back on the woman, who was almost directly under the marquee now. Breathing in deeply, I let my powers flow through me. The marquee cracked as it came crashing down upon the woman, causing screams to fill the air from the few other people walking down the street.

I looked up at my parents expectantly, but they would never give me the satisfaction of praise. They merely gave each other a look, one that was good enough for me. I had passed their test, proved that I could finally be used in the field.

And that was how I, at a mere eight years old, took my first life.


(A/N): Short first chapter just because I wanted to start off with you as a child! I'm actually very excited to write this enemies to lovers fanfic (even though it is a bit cliché). Also I just want to prepare you that I will be essentially forgetting that Civil War ever existed and Tony merely saw Peter's potential and decided to help him out. (Because this is fanfiction and fanfiction fixes the pain that canon has brought upon the fandom). Hope you enjoy!

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