Chapter 37 - Blaming Spider-Man

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(Your POV):
I spent the majority of the next week trying to calm my new powers. I hadn't told my parents right away, afraid that it had been a mistake on their part, but when I told them it seemed that they had been anticipating it. This led me to wonder if they had planned it all along, if I had unwittingly been a lab rat for them once again. I remembered the liquid they had injected me with before electrocuting me and I realized that that must have been what caused me to obtain these new powers.

These thoughts only made me angry at my parents. If they were going to perform tests on me, I would rather them inform me about it and not have me find out about them when I lost control over my emotions. I could have discovered them at school and then I would have a huge mess to clean up. They were lucky that I found out in private, otherwise it was very likely that one of my classmates would've gotten electrocuted.

Although I was still learning about my new powers, which took longer to become accustomed to than my super strength, I did manage not to cause any scenes while at school. I think I accidentally shocked Peter a few times by accident, but they were mild and easily blamed on static electricity. And they were not yet reliable enough to use during a mission, no matter how much I wanted to. But I did work with them at my apartment, trying to get a better understanding of what I could do and make them more precise.

During the stressful week  we were finally assigned our Rube Goldberg projects, which meant that Peter and I would be seeing a lot more of each other. But we couldn't meet to work on the project just yet as today was the celebration of Harry Osborn taking over his father's place as head of Oscorp. He still had five months left of high school so he wasn't fully taking over yet, but he would have final say on everything until he took full control in May. Until then, his advisor of sorts was my father.

It scared me to know that they would be working together, especially because there were things that I needed one to keep from the other. I had already spoken to my father about it, explaining my relation to Harry (with copious amounts of lying) and he had told me that I had to come clean to Harry. His response had shocked me as my anonymity was something that my parents had always valued, but my father put me in charge of briefing Harry on H.A.M.M.E.R. and informing him that he was funding that program as well. This also meant that I had to convince Harry not to rat us out to any figure of authority. I still hadn't quite worked out how I was going to do that one yet.

I changed into my dress for the occasion, using one of the ones I had stored in my closet for events like these as well as undercover work. Knowing that it was a formal celebration, I wore a floor length sliver dress, whose shimmering fabric wrapped around my torso and cascaded down to the floor. It left a small train of fabric as I walked, but enough to hinder me. There was a slit over my right leg, following the line of the wrap, not having been sowed to the skirt covering my left leg.

As my parents were not coming to the celebration and because Harry invited him, I met up with Peter before going to Oscorp. He was in a formal suit, looking irresistibly handsome while all dressed up. He was panicking about the dress code the night before, until I was able to assure him that a simple suit and tie would be perfectly acceptable and would be what all of the men were wearing.

"(Y/N), you look stunning and I haven't even seen the full outfit yet," Peter smiled at me as I approached him. My dress was currently being concealed under a long jacket as I certainly wasn't going to walk around sleeveless in January.

My checks reddened slightly as I replied, "as do you, you should dress up more often. This look definitely suits you."

"Are you ready for the party? I'm honestly a little nervous, I've never been to such a formal event before," Peter asked, taking my hand in his as we began to walk down the streets towards Oscorp.

I shrugged, "I've been to a couple of these types of things because of my parents so I'm getting used to them. The trick is to stick to the wall and try not to be noticed, I'm sure it'll all be fine."

"And you are sure that your parents aren't coming?"

"Yeah, they didn't want to come. To be honest, I think that they're a little upset that Harry got the job. I mean, clearly my father would have been in the running for the position as he is Harry's advisor. So I think they're just upset that they lost such a great position to a teenager," I replied, hoping that my parents would not make a surprise entrance today. However I shook off those fears with a change of subject. "Speaking of Harry, do you know how he's doing? He hasn't been to school since the incident so I haven't been able to check how he's been holding up."

"Well he's been kind of distant, but I do know that he now has some sort of personal vendetta against Spider-Man. Can you believe that? The friendly neighborhood hero."

"Spider-Man, why?"

"Because he believes that the webbed hero is the one who murdered his father."

"Wow, that's-thats certainly unexpected," I replied, while the gears in my head began to turn. Harry hated Spider-Man, I could use that to my advantage. Void was a known adversary of Spider-Man, after all.

"Yeah, apparently he saw Spider-Man bring his father's body back to his house. I'm sure it was the shock, he just found his father's dead body, and his eyes were playing tricks on him, but he's convinced that Spider-Man was the murderer."


(A/N): And now we put some things in motion and see how they play out. How do you think Harry will react to the discovery of H.A.M.M.E.R.? I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

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