Chapter 27 - Taking Things Slow

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(Your POV):
"Didn't you offer me a Christmas movie?" I asked Peter as I turned back to face him.

His eyes lit up, "Yeah, I mean, only if you want to. I understand if you just want to go home."

"No, I-I want to spend time with you," I confessed, not used to sharing how I truly felt with anyone. It was incredibly nerve wracking, but it was easier with Peter than anyone else.

Peter slipped his hand in mine and led me back through Harry's party, which was still in full swing. We managed to avoid attention, grab our coats, and leave without anyone noticing. So that Ned and MJ didn't get worried, he sent them a quick text that May had called him back and he had to leave. It surprised me that he was so willing to lie to his friends, but he promised that he wouldn't tell anyone that we were dating until I felt comfortable enough for that to come out.

Of course, lying to his friends must have been something that he was used to with the whole being Spider-Man thing. It didn't seem like anyone knew about his secret identity, except for maybe Ned. They were the closest so I wouldn't be surprised if he failed to keep his identity hidden from him at the very least.

"Do you have any preference for the movie? Do you have a favorite?" Peter asked me as we arrived back at his apartment.

I shook my head, "I don't really have a favorite one, but I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you choose."

"How about a cheesy romantic movie, it'll take your mind off of what happened at the party and we can make fun of it," Peter suggested, switching the TV on. He began to scroll through the channels until finding what he was looking for, "a new Hallmark movie will be starting in a few minutes. I can go make us some popcorn while we're waiting."

"Sure," I smiled at him, starting to feel a little uncomfortable. I didn't know how I was supposed to act as his girlfriend, I didn't know what was appropriate and what wasn't. Throughout my life I had always known that only one thing mattered: the next mission. I understood my place and accomplished what I needed to do. But in this situation I didn't have a clear task, I was just supposed to enjoy myself.

Peter came back a minute later with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket. I hesitantly sat down on his couch and he took the seat next to me, but was careful to keep his distance. He offered me the bowl of popcorn and gratefully took some, using that as an excuse to inch closer to him.

"So what is it that we're about to watch?" I questioned, never having actually seen a Christmas movie before and wanting to know what to expect.

"I don't know, probably just your typical Hallmark movie, maybe one of their hundred new Christmas movies they released this year, or however many they have now," he replied nonchalantly. He then realized that I still had no idea what he was talking about and continued, "I'm assuming you don't watch the Hallmark channel often?"

I shook my head, "my parents aren't big fans so I don't think I've ever actually seen one of their movies."

"Well it's May's guilty pleasure so I've actually seen a number. They're all the same, but they're feel good movies. Basically boy meets girl, they probably dislike each other or have some sort of past but then they fall in love, then something bad happens and all seems to fall apart but they end up happy at the end," Peter explained just as the movie began.

Peter had gotten the plot spot on and you could tell who was going to end up together within two minutes into the movie. But it was still a wonderful experience, especially since we were critiquing everything within the movie and then would chat during the commercials. It was strange being so intimate with him after the time we had spent more distant. Not that I was complaining.

Somehow we had ended up right next to each other, the two of us inching closer together throughout the night. Peter then had wrapped his arm around me and my head fell on his shoulder. His warmth lulled me into a sense of security, something that I had never felt before. For once, I was able to forget about staying on my guard, always being alert to jump into battle. But with Peter, my enemy, I found myself feeling like an actual teenager for once.

When the movie was over Peter looked down at me, a hint of disappointment in his eyes, "I suppose you'll need to be getting back home so that your parents don't worry."

In response I snuggled closer to Peter, not wanting to move from my very comfortable position, "what if I don't want to leave?"

"Trust me, I would want nothing more than for you to stay here longer, but if we are going to be trying to keep this a secret from your parents, then I don't think you staying the night would be a great start to that," he replied, running his fingers through my hair.

I closed my eyes at his touch, but knew that that I had to leave. Finally managing the will to sit up, I did so and gave Peter a little smile, "thanks for bringing me over here, that movie did actually manage to cheer me up and the party honestly feels like it happened days ago. Maybe we can meet to do something like this again before the end of break?"

"Yeah of course, I don't want to not see you until school starts up again. I can text you tomorrow and we can set up some plans for the rest of break. Would you like me to walk you home?"

"No," I immediately replied, fearing my parents catching a glimpse of him were he to walk me home. They knew what Spider-Man looked like and they would surely kill him on the spot and I couldn't risk that. "I-I just mean that I don't want my parents to know about us, so I don't think walking me home would be wise. I really do appreciate the offer and I would have loved to spend a bit more time with you, but this is safer."

Peter nodded, "I understand, have a good night then."

We stood facing each other awkwardly, unsure if we should kiss each other goodbye. We had decided to take things slowly, but how slow neither of us were sure. Eventually, I just gave him a small smile and muttered a good night before leaving the apartment, needing to end the awkward moment.

I didn't give up my chance to kiss him because I didn't want to, but I was still so confused by my emotions or if I was even doing the right thing in being in a relationship. But with the amount of adoration that I held for Peter, I figured that it was worth a shot. I had grown so used to a life without love that I wanted to experience it, even just once, so that I knew what I was missing out on during my quest to help the world.


(A/N): I saw Rise of Skywalker again and it hurt even more the second time because I knew what was coming. But at least I can drown my sorrows in fanfiction! I hope that you enjoyed the little date between you and Peter!

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