Wheels on the Bus

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🚐No ones watching us, wheels on the bus wheels on the bus, I'm holding in down up in the front, wheels on the bus wheels on the bus🚐

Johnny's POV.

"I don't care if you have to snap each and every single bone in his body! I want to know where my shipment is and I want to know ASAP! DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!" Johnny yelled into the blue tooth.

"Crystal, boss" the person on the other end responded.

"Oh, and don't fuck up. Or you will be terminated. Got me?"

"Yes sir, I will have your answer by tomorrow morning. Night sir."

Johnny gave no response to the person on the other end. He hung up and sat down in his chair in his office. Rubbing his temples and sighing.

That was when his ears perked up. Even though he was on the fourth floor he could hear it loud and clear. Then not long after a knock on his door. Johnny snapped his fingers and the door opened.

"Listen bro, can't you just open the door like a normal person. Stop using your abilities." Johnny opened his eyes at the voice.

"Jaehyun, its you" he dead panned.

"Whoa don't get too excited"
They both laughed.

"No, I'm not  going to your auction. "
Johnny said irritated at the younger.

"Bro please you never come.  Just come once for me. You might find someone this time. We have new addition" Jaehyun tried to convince Johnny for months to come because he wanted him to meet Mark.

"Who's mark" Johnny asked

"Stop getting in my head. Can't you like cut those abilities off. I feel like we are in smallville. You Superman and me lex Luther."

"Didn't lex betray superman and try to kill him? Not a wise comparison but go off o guess" Johnny smirked getting out of his chair.

"Plus you know I can't turn them off. "

Jaehyun sighed, "Clark you know I'm indebted to you, you saved my life" jae joked as Johnny looked out his window. Johnny chuckled and used his pointer finger to fling a pillow at his friend.

"Oh get a life"

"I have on and it's to serve you my lord" jaehyun bowed.

"Oh shut the fuck up," Johnny and jaehyun laughed. "Now I'll go to this auction but I won't find what I'm looking for"

"At least you are coming"

"You never answered on who mark is."

"You will find out soon. See you tomorrow"

Jaehyun ran out the room before Johnny could read his mind or do the weird volkin mind controlling kinda thingy to make him spill the beans.

Sunday-auction day.

Johnny got out of his Tesla at Valle and headed inside. He had his bodyguards and mafia posy behind him. He looked around inside and saw nothing but dirty old married men and scared newbies. Just wanting to find something new.

Johnny breath a deep breath and took in the smell of perfume and weed. Nothing comforting there. Johnny scoffed as he walked in. He was disgusted with the fact that these people are all sweaty and smelly.

"Disgusting" Johnny said more to himself that anyone else.

"I'm heading to jaehyun office. Make a space in VIP. I don't want to be around this," Johnny looked at the people around him, "garbage bump"

Johnny is not a parsh or mean person he just hates it when people purposely don't take care of themselves. He hates see sick minded fuckers in a place like this. It make him sick to his stomach. See men look at people, innocent people with such barbaric hunger.

"Yes sir" Doyoung, his second in command said. He snap everyone attention to him and gave a head nod of where to go and the followed.

Johnny made it to Jaehyun office and used x-ray vision to see what was going on in there.

"Gross" Johnny said and bust through the door like tomb rader.

"Y'all nasty" he said to the couple eating each other's faces off. He covered Taeil's eyes who seems to be in little space at the moment.

"And in front of the child no less, yall a damn shame"

Jaehyun and Taeyong jumped at Johnny's deep voice.

"Do you know the definition of knocking?" Jae asked

"What's a definition?" Johnny sassed "anygay, when do I meet this mark guy?"

"Well he goes on in a few, 2 minutes to be exact so you better head down"

Johnny nodded and headed back down the stairs and as he was walking down the first floor Hall he hear yell, sounded like Donghyuck so he went to investigate.

"Yeah right like a bitch like you would know Seo" the man at a dressing room door spoke. And when Johnny looked in he saw Donghyuck hold the hand of the most beautiful pitte boy he has ever seen. He was hooked

"Oh buy he does" Johnny said as he stared down the man.

"Heachan, doyoung is looking for you, go" Heachan nodded and hugged to pretty boy and ran out to find his daddy Dom.
"You," Johnny pointed "come"

The boy walked weak kneed over to johnny.

So obedient johnny thought to himself as the boy kept eye contact Johnny bent down and said

"hi I'm Johnny seo and I'm taking you home with me." And outstretched his arm "would you like that"

The boy weakly nodded and took Johnny's hand.

They quietly made his way back to Jayhyun's office. Jaehyun was walking out off his office and jumped when he say johnny.....with mark.

"I want to take him please"

Jaehyun smirk and nodded saying "I knew you would fall in love at first sight, Mark are you okay with this sweet pea"

The younger slowly nodded his head. His mind inba sub space fog. Blissed out and happy.

The younger brought up his hand and signed "him go with now please"

Jaehyun laughed at his state thinking of how adorable they will be together.

"Come in and let's get the paper work done."

*Wow look at my dumb writing. I hope you enjoyed please like and comment what you think about it*

 I hope you enjoyed please like and comment what you think about it*

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Johnny being a Meepy bread meme. Awwww

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