Chapter 4 - Fitness Isn't Just A Hobby, It's A Romantic Story

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Kayla sat alone at the back of the gym, observing the enterance on the other side of the room for Ethan and... Him.

As she took a deep breath to cover her own horror of what could go down in today's lesson, Michael walked out of the enterence, he wore a blue shirt and dark blue shorts. Kayla blushed like a rose.

Ethan walked out of the enterence seconds after Michael did, wearing his usual maroon hoodie and black pants. Ethan watched Michael like a predator would with prey, smiling like an idiot with his phone in his hands. 

Ethan stopped and did something with his phone and continued on as Michael watched him with a weird look, Ethan noticed Kayla who stood up and crossed her arms as if Ethan was up to no good. 

The two friends met, exchanging dirty looks. 

"What was that aye?" Kayla asked, eyes locked onto his phone.

"You mean this?" Ethan asked, holding his phone up to Kayla face which showed a picture of Kayla and Michael sitting alone in the drama suite on monday minutes before they could of had physical contact.

"Ethan!" Kayla gasped, pulling his arm down as he couldn't stop laughing.

"If that isn't enough proof your lips were made for each other I don't know what is," Ethan sighed.

"Oh my fucking god," Kayla groaned with embarrasment, sliding her back on the wall as she collapsed on the floor. Dying inside as Ethan watched her below.

"The truth hurts, not for Michael that is. He finds it... Pleasurable," Ethan grinned.

"Ethan..." Kayla growled.

Ethan smiled and sat next to her, laughing into his legs which his head was buried in. 

"Okay class! This is a combined lession so we'll be in the gym playing dodge ball," Ms Kirk announced.

"Pffft, dodge the balls. Michael's ba-" Ethan joked.

"I will murder you with a spoon," Kayla said blankly.

"Can I use it to eat homos with it?" Ethan asked.

"Xavier you mean?" Kayla guessed.

Ethan pretended to act offended but he secretely loved these jokes, they were funny af.

"Uh no..." Ethan frowned.

"Your partners will be read out now," Ms Kirk spoke up.

Kayla and Ethan watched each other, unimpressed. 

"Bitch..." Kayla whispered, making the two smirk.

"Zoe and Eboney, Angela and Ella, Kayla and Michael," Ms Kirk read out.

"PFFFFT HAAAAA!" Ethan burst out laughing, louder than he intended which made the whole class silent. 

Kayla died inside even more as she noticed Michael staring at her from the other side of the group of students, Kayla made a crooked smile which made Michael blush. Kayla blushed too and then they broke eye contact awkwardly.

"Xavier and Ethan," Ms Kirk continued.

Ethan opened his mouth so wide an entire melon could fit inside it, Kayla burst out laughing also which stopped the class.

"You two seperate!" Ms Kirk demanded, having enough of the two inmature bitches.

Kayla and Ethan parted ways, Kayla stood up and slowly confronted where Michael sat. Sitting next to him but was blocked by a few of his friends.

"Okay, form a straight line and part ways with your partner on each side," Ms Kirk ordered.

Kayla, Michael, and the rest of the class stood up and formed a line, Kayla and Michael stood on either side. 

The two locked eyes and as soon as the class parted ways with their partner, the two stood for longer until they realised the game was about to begin. Looking into Michael's face was a trap she couldn't get out of.

The game started, Kayla was able to dodge the balls flying towards her but it wasn't easy when she had her focus entirely on Michael, she couldn't care less if she got hit... She just wants to be with a certain someone, wouldn't anyone with their crush? No, this was more than a crush and she knew it.

After ten minutes into the game ultimately passed, Lachie and his friends were bullying Kayla from across the court. Kayla turned to Ethan for support but saw he was too fixated on his crush, Kayla wasn't going to disturb them...

Kayla clenched her fists in anger, she didn't want to burst in front of Michael.

"No one likes you!" Lachie yelled, throwing a ball in her direction with full force. The teachers did nothing to stop this, Kayla felt personally broken...

The ball hit Kayla on the face so hard it left a mark, tears formed in her eyes but the anger in her red face remained the same.

Kayla covered her face when she saw Michael staring with concern and ran out of the gym, tears flowing down her face.

Kayla ran down the corridoor outside the gym and sat in a cold corner, crying some more.

What if Lachie was right? What is everyone does hate her? What if Michael hates her.

After a few minutes of sadness, Kayla felt the warmth of someone sitting close next to her.

Kayla looked up slowly and saw Michael, she jumped and quicly regained composure while wiping the tears off her face.

Michael watched Kayla with extreme sympathy. 

"What he said was fucked," Michael frowned.

Kayla nodded but remained silent, what could she even say?

"You know that's not true, it's bullshit," Michael explained.

"It is... I know it is," Kayla cried.

Michael shook his head. "No it's not."

Kayla was surprised to see this side of Michael, she always thought he was a doof unable to compress his inmature side. 

What she sees is someone who cares, someone who cares for her.

"Do... Do you hate me?" Kayla sniffed.

Michael froze and became lost in Kayla's eyes again as did she, Kayla waited for a response.

"Hell no," He replied.

The two moved in closer, just like last time.


Ethan watched Michael and Kayla move in closer... He knew this was coming, Xavier watched also.

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