Chapter 18 - Final Confession

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Kayla and Michael walked out of the school, holding hands tightly and smiling together.

Lachy passed them, obviously digusted by their new relationship. 

"Yeah that's right, boyfriend and girlfriend," Michael teased to Lachy as he rolled his eyes and shoved passed him. 

Kayla turned her head to Michael who seemed unbothered though Kayla was very bothered, what if he becomes a problem?

"Don't worry, he won't do shit," Michael promised. 

"How do you know?" Kayla asked as they passed the bubbler. 

"He's a skinny coward, you could break him if you threw a fucking paper ball at him," Michael explained. 

Kayla smirked and blushed, looking down at her feet nervously. Michael kissed her cheek out of nowhere, Kayla was under a spell of romance and potential lust. 

They walked down the stairs to see the friendgroup all there. Ethan, Angela, Chelsea, and Ella. 

Kayla and Michael looked at each other as Ethan stood up and began to fangirl. 

"DAYYYYYYYYUM LOOK AT DEM HANDS," Ethan groggily laughed. 

"You're drunk aren't you?" Kayla asked, unimpressed. 

"NO I'M NOT DRUNK," Ethan said with sarcasim. 

"Is he always like this?" Michael asked, turning her head to Kayla.

Kayla nodded and burst out laughing, Michael couldn't help but laugh too. 

"Anyways, I need to tell all of you's somethinggggg," Kayla nagged. 

The whole friend group looked up at her and waited in suspense.

"Go on," Ella called out. 

"Big silence," Angela whispered to Ethan who was sitting next to her. 

"Okay..." Kayla began.

The whole friendgroup watched in suspense. 

"SPILL THE TEA," Sante called out from above the stairs which caused Kayla and Michael to jump at the exact same time.

"FUCK OFF!" Kayla called out which made Sante become so shocked and she walked away. 

"Fuck me that was something loud!" Ethan sluggishly said. 

"Me and Michael are girlfriend and boyfriend!" Kayla revealed...

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