Chapter 1

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No matter how many years pass, Amelia doesn't think she will ever understand the true depth of the Godfrey family. Olivia had happily left with her one and only son who had unfortunately returned back home, and hadn't even given a thought to her other offspring.

For some reason, Roman had spent most of his summer with his cousin, Letha, which resulted in one of the happiest summers of Amelia's life. With Olivia being too busy with herself and no longer in sour mood with Roman's behaviour, Amelia was free to do whatever she wanted and had the chance to spend most of her summer with Shelley blissfully together.

"Hi love," Amelia smiles upon seeing Shelley coming slowly in the kitchen. "I've made us both some caprese salad with whipped ricotta." Shelley smiles back and follows behind as Amelia brought the two dishes to the living room. Usually, she wasn't allowed to seat with the Godfreys. As Olivia had explained a few years back to a young Shelley, "Servants have no place to our table"

"You don't mind, do you?" She gestures the empty seat beside her and Shelley shakes her head furiously. "Alright, alright" She laughes. Amelia knew Shelley was a sweetheart but a part of her will always expect some transformation; she wouldn't be surprised if one day she woke up and the sweet girl was replaced with someone cold, someone crueller.

It had happened with Roman, the moment he left the pre-teen years.

It had happened with J.R who one night had taken a gun and had chosen to alter their lives forever.

So you see, it takes one moment for something to trigger a person to change.

There had not been a day when she didn't miss J.R, Amelia was certain their lives would be different – better, especially for the darling Shelley.

Shelley makes a small noise which gets Amelia's attention. The younger girl indicated her lips with a frown and the brunette forced herself to smile. "No, I'm not sad."

Shelley pouts and pushes away her plate before crossing her arms.

She rolla her eyes, not in the mood to argue. "Alright, fine, you got me. You're always so smart, Shelley."

Shelley's pouty face brightena up at the compliment and not for the first time Amelia feels pity for the younger girl. It just wasn't how Olivia favoured Roman for everything, while Amelia knew he loved Shelley, she doubted he could ever understand the pain of neglect his younger sister must be feeling.

"It's just... summer is over..." She pushes around few tiny pieces of tomatoes left and right – it was a bad habit she had carried from her childhood to be playing with her food. "And everything is right back in order I guess."

Shelley types and a minute later a voice is heard. "Are you sad that Roman is back?"

She almost choked. "Why would you say that?"

Shelley types again fast. "You were happier last week when he wasn't here."

"I-it's not that." Amelia lies. "It's just, now with your mother remaining at home like a cat, Jonathan can't hang out with us"

Shelley looks down as she types hesitantly this time, "Do you want me to talk to her?"

Her eyes widened and immediately said "No!" She could already imagine Olivia's reaction if she were to find out that the grocery boy had been spending his summer in her house with her servant and her daughter.

"I'll see him again when your mother sends me out." Amelia reassures her.

It wasn't that Olivia didn't allow her to go out on her own, but there had always been certain limitations and rules along with her upbringing. Amelia wasn't allowed to form friendships with anyone who wasn't approved by Olivia, her mouth and ears were shut when it came to everything that were happening within the Godfrey family, and of course for every activity she should always require Olivia's permission first.

"So, tomorrow's the first day at school!" Amelia says with a chipper tone, changing the subject. "Are you excited?"

Shelley tilts her head from side to side, which made her frown. "Why so?"

Shelley typed before the automated voice said, "People."

She made a face, half regretting even asking.

"Well, that's because they don't understand you. Just ignore them like I do. And when you come back we can have a girl's night." She winks before gently bopping her nose, resulting in a soft blue glow

The younger girl grins and claps her hands together, almost jumping up and down from excitement. "Besides, think of all the cool books you'll have to show me."

Shelley honours her with a sympathetic smile, and a stroke of her hand but Amelia swallows down the feeling of envy; she was already lucky enough Olivia had allowed her to be tutored for a couple of years, she should stop longing for the deep education she wasn't allowed to have. Olivia had already given her the basics and 'everything a servant needed to know'. Roman used to lend her his books and even explained some of the things he had done at school. But that was before he started shaving and pretending he was a man.

"Have you thought of what you're gonna wear?"

There's a pause before Shelley raises her tablet and presents a picture of an outfit on a mannequin. Amelia nods slowly. "Interesting, I only wish you would allow yourself to wear more colour." As someone who was forced to wear the ugly grey uniform Olivia had forced her employees to wear, Amelia never missed a moment to wear something bright when she was allowed to have free time.

Shelley shrugs nonchalantly as she grabs a huge spoonful of salad

Velma, one of Olivia's oldest maids comes bustling into the living room, carrying dirty clothes

She gasps at the sight of them, before moving one hand on her hip and started to scolding. "Olivia will slaughter you like a pig, Lia"

Shelley trembles and automatically the other brunette strokes her arms, glaring at the older woman who was being careless with her words. "What she doesn't know won't hurt us." She tells her smugly, smirking at Shelley whose breathing was returning back to normal.

Velma press her lips together with disapproval. "You're an adult, Lia, you should think and act as such."

She smiles cheekily "You do that for the both of us"

The older woman huffs and her hand goes back to the bile of clothes she was struggling to support.

Amelia gets up and walks over wordlessly as she took half the clothes in her arms. Velma nods curtly, her voice beaming with satisfaction. "Much better. Follow me"

Amelia bows and politely says in a mocking tone, "Yes, m'am" which gets her a playful shove from the other woman.

"Honey, put the rest of my food in fridge please."

Shelley nods silently without looking at her. She bits her lip, knowing Velma had ruined the good mood but the older woman was only looking out for her. Besides, she was right; Amelia should stop forgetting her place, she wasn't J.R's charity case anymore or Roman's friend. She was one of the staff and should behave accordingly for her own good

Many people considered her lucky that instead of kicking her out when her mother died, the Godfreys had not only kept her around but also given her (a limited) education and work. They ignored the fact that her mother had worked for the family her entire life or that the only reason Amelia stayed was due to the long dept she had. In their eyes, she ought to be content with being allowed even the tiny piece of their glorious lives.

If everything went as planned , however, this year would be her last with the Godfreys and hopefully in Hemlock Grove.

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