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The cold wind was passing through the blonde-haired girl's curls that walked a little slower in front of Logan. He just agreed with this night's walk so he could talk as Lola suggested a few minutes ago.

His hands were in the pocket of the red hoodie he was wearing as he looked up to gaze at the moon. The thick sole of the boots was heard on the cobbled road.

„What did you want to talk about, honey?" he asked, sounding somewhat bored.

He never wanted to seem cold to his friends, but secrets change people. It couldn't be the same with Lola after what happened. Not after that rainy autumn evening, as it was now.

He was not careful where he was going and he bumped into the girl who stopped walking suddenly.

‚Are you even asking?" she turned suddenly towards him. The look of the boy in front of her did not change; he remained as cold and indifferent as if nothing could surprise him. But earlier it was something else, earlier he was surprised for the first time after years and it achieved something; he doesn't like to be surprised or to not know things. Ever since he learned that the two were supposed to be together, he felt an emptiness in his stomach. He had to process the information, get used to it, but he didn't have time and he had to react. Well, Logan Woods doesn't have the most pleasant reactions.

His friend, Jeff, hardly calmed him down from a nervous breakdown.

„I want to know what's in your head when you date a human." He says, shrugging his shoulders. Lola just frowned.

„What do you mean? What if she's human?"

„You can't see her anymore." He growled.

Lola stayed with her mouth open, surprised, then laughed briefly.

„Sorry, but who the fuck do you think you are?"

„The Alpha."

„Well then fuck you, alpha. I do what I want and go out with whom I want. And just to know, yes. She's my girlfriend."

Logan was trying to keep control of himself. Breathing in breathing out.

„I don't understand what your problem is." Lola crossed her arms to her chest , looking at him accusingly.

But the truth was that neither Logan knew what the problem was or what he really felt.

„You want me to listen to you? Okay, alpha, I'm listening to you, but my relations are my problem."

„Mine too." He intervened.

„ If only it would be that way."

„We are friends?"

Lola snorted gently and turns her back to him. After a few minutes, she answered with a quiet voice.

„No. We are not anymore."

Logan Woods didn't feel much, but this was one of his bad days. He had to refrain from showing that it affects him what the girl said a few moments ago. Yes, Logan hated the surprises.

Just breathe and breathe.

„Good, then I don't have anything to talk about. See you at the next full month, at the Sabbath." He just straightened his back and walked past her, without hitting her shoulder, heading for the forest.

„Logan, wait."

„ Let it be, La Lola. I get it." he was not considered in a position to stand in front of her, to speak further.

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