chapter 1

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THE WORLD is perfect

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THE WORLD is perfect. Every aspect of it. Every little grain of sand, to every mountain has been perfectly molded into the world we live in. It is perfectly planned to keep order. Order, as our leader puts it, keeps people in check. Those who do things differently are ruining the order of the world. 

Order is kept by limiting the population. Every person lives until they are sixty years old. Once at that age, they are taken to a facility where their bodies are turned to ash, and the cycle continues. Every family is made up perfectly, with two children in each. Perfect grades, perfect jobs, perfect lives. All of this, for what reason?

These ideas raced through his mind daily. He would write these thoughts down on paper as if he wished to show it to the world.. but he refrained. If the world began to even question the High King and his reasoning, they could be imprisoned, or worse: put to death. 

He had lived an easy life. Born into the ideal nuclear family with a successful family. His father, a police chief of the Order; his mother, a world-renowned doctor; and his younger sister, a graduate from the highest class university in this part of the world. Him? He's a waiter at a small cafe. It's cozy, sure, but it's the same thing every day.

Wake up, get ready, go to work. Customers come and go, ordering the same thing. Everything is the same. 



Boring, even. 

That is, until a certain someone walked into his life. Literally. 


The sirens blared. Red lights flashing violently. Her heart beating wildly.

She ran. Ran as fast as her legs could take her.

"Stop!" The quarantine's guards screamed. They grabbed her shoulder, aiming their guns.

Please. Don't do this. Her eyes pleaded.

They showed no resistance. "H352, surrender!"

She exhaled. Time seemed to slow down, as if it were in her favor.

The woman grabbed onto one of the guns, twisting it out of their hands. Her trembling hands pulled the trigger.

She gasped, realizing what she had done once the man had fallen. 

She held back her tears, making a run for the exit.

"Sir, Mr. Jang is down. H352 has escaped."

A man chuckled. "Keep an eye on her, she won't go far."

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