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At this point I feel as though it should be expected i'm back at it with the Kami ships 🤔 however this time it is with one of my first Kami ships; Todokami 👐🏼 a rare but not too rare ship that has been at the top of my OTP list and i still continue to look out for 😆 i know they may not be some peoples cup of tea but for me they're the whole teapot and then some 🍵 as such i hope you enjoy this fic and you find what your looking for, because i swear I've been through their ship tag too much... hahah...
Anyway.. plz feel free to let me know if there is anything you may want me to cover, I'm more than happy too!

P.S: any artwork that is used within this fic do NOT belong to me! If you see your work plz dont hesitate to tell me 🙌🏼

Again plz enjoy ❣ (ahhhhhhh! Finally lol)

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