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The dragon seemed to sleep for what felt like hours, but that gave Hiccup the time to draw the dragon and chart down its features.

When it finally woke, the sun was shining bright in the afternoon sky. It's injuries we're looking better than the night before. Getting up from the dragon pile, it slowly started to creep away from them and take in its surroundings, his eyes going wide when they land on the young Haddock boy sitting in a chair not far from the pile.

The dragon took one look at Hiccup and quickly saw that he posed no threat to him or his newfound friends. He inches towards the dragon rider and begins to sniff him, once he's content, he backs away and sits down, reminding Hiccup of when Toothless made him eat some of the fish he regurgitated. Hiccup gets up off the chair and slowly moves towards the dragon. When he's close enough, he reaches out his hand tries to touch the dragons head.

Hiccup was fully expecting the dragon to growl at him or try and take his hand off, but no the dragon leaned its head forward and allowed the Viking to touch him. The dragon felt something run through him when the boy touched him. Moving so the boy's hand trail down his back, close to his spine, and to places the dragon shifter couldn't reach himself. Toothless opens his eyes and quickly notices the empty space next to him, which causes the dragon to jump up and look around. When he sees the dragon with his rider, he calmly walks over to them and sits down.

The smaller dragons' gaze shifts to Toothless, and he instantly starts to paw at the slightly bigger dragon. He lets out a playful growl at the night fury, and finally, after a few nudges, Toothless gives in. Watching the two dragons playfully attack each other and run around the academy was indeed a sight.

Toothless pins the smaller dragon to the ground triumphantly, "Toothless, don't play too rough, he's still injured." Hiccups' words left his dragon distracted, leaving the smaller dragon to strike, attack Toothless with an array of licks. A stunned Toothless rolls off the smaller dragon, and the smaller night fury lets a small laughing noise.

The smaller night fury gets off the ground and starts to walk over to Hiccup, but that soon stops when the rest of the dragon riders come walking into the academy. A loud, low pitched growl begins to emanate from the dragon's throat, causing the other riders to stop in their tracks. Toothless starts to gently rub his head against the dragon's neck, trying his best to calm him down. The other dragons hear his distress and quickly wake from their sleep. Once they see what's going on, they go to their riders and move them to the academy and into the light so the young dragon could see them.

The young night fury's growl dies down some, and when he sees the open exit, he takes it, running through the now clear entrance, flying into the open air once he was out of the tunnel. But he didn't really know where he was flying to. He was on a different island, one that was very unfamiliar and terrifying.

The sleek dragon began to fly higher in the air until its stomach started to growl in hunger. He hadn't eaten in a few days. Flying down to the beach, the dragon finds himself diving into the water in search of any food he could find. The smaller night fury was able to grab a mouth full of fish and bring them back up to the surface. Not wanting his food to get all sandy, he flies into the air and begins to search for a place to make camp.

Following a familiar smell, he finds himself in cove. A pond square in the middle and a few trees here and there. It was quaint and somewhat quiet. He found a small sense of comfort here in the cove. After eating his fish, he heats up the ground, does a few circles, and then lays down.

Sleep overcame him, and he closed his eye.

In the morning, he found himself in the presence of Toothless. He was curled up around him, and he couldn't be happier about the extra body heat. In his dragon form, staying warm was harder than in his human form. He was always warm in his human form.

Nuzzling in closer to Toothless, he lets out a soft purring noise. "Well, that's just cute."

The voice causes his head to pop up and look around until he rests his eyes on Hiccup and a blonde woman next to him. Rolling his eyes, he hides his head under Toothless's wing; he didn't want this woman looking at him. But soon enough, Toothless gets up off the ground. Huffing in annoyance, the dragon shifter gets up from the ground and walks over to the pair who are casually talking.

"I can't believe there is another night fury." Astrid says in amazement as she looks at the dragon that's slowly approaching them. "Toothless won't be alone anymore."

Moving forward, he gets closer to Astrid, and slowly he starts to smell her. She smelled highly of a deadly nadder, and the smell was overwhelming. He begins to back away and move towards Toothless, who is sitting near Hiccup. "What do you think happened to him?"

"I don't know, I'm very surprised that he warmed up to me some." Hiccup tells Astrid, "I mean, look at all the scars. Some look like claw marks or a nadders' spine, but the other scars look like they're from dragon hunters."

As soon as Hiccup says the words dragon hunters, the smaller night fury puts his front paws in his head, a groaning noise escapes the dragon's throat. He didn't want to listen to anyone say anything about dragon hunters or trappers. He was so close to not making it last time.

Toothless nudges the smaller dragon and lets out a soft hum. Hiccup and Astrid smile at their interaction. "We should probably get ready to head back to edge if we want to make it there by nightfall."

Hearing that they were going to leave confirmed his suspicion. These people were going to leave him so instead of them leaving him. He decided to leave them first. He gets up from the ground and gently nudges Toothless as a way of saying goodbye. Toothless lets out a small wine in an attempt to keep him there. The smaller dragon moves towards Hiccup and gently nudged him as well. The smaller, sleek dragon lifted into the air and made his way to the clouds, never to be seen again.

Or so they thought.


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