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To knows things for this chapter(you might know this all ready but for those who don't or forgot):
1. Y/s means 'Your sexuality'
2. F/c means 'favorite color'

-your pov-

The school day was over so I packed my bag and started walking towards the door. As I walked past the 1-A classroom door I felt my stomach churn as I remembered it would not be the two loving parents I would be going home to. It would be the two abusive uncles I would meet at the door. I felt sick. I knew I couldn't go to a friend's house since I just met these people so I had to go home. Soon realizing I was already home I hesitantly walked up the stairs and turned the door nob. I saw two men. One with dark brown hair, he was rather buff obviously had a members card at the local gym, he had dark red eyes, his quirk was strength, and was my dad's younger brother. The other had jet black hair, he wasn't as well built as my other uncle but was still buff, he had a mysterious blue eyes, his quirk was flamethrower, and he was my mom's older brother. The sick feeling increases as I see what they're holding. Multiple knives, whips, and other torture weapons. I instantly grab the door nob and run out of the house and back to the school luckily seeing Jiro on my way. She spots me and runs up to me. I hug her and ask "Jiro can I stay at your house for a week or so" fear coating my voice and I catch my breath in between words. She nods a yes and we walk to her house. I noticed she would glance at me every once until we passed my house and inside I saw my uncles raging around the house. Jiro must have seen the plain terror in my eyes as I pointed out my house and my uncles because she grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

-time skip Jiro's house-

I felt cold as I approached Jiro's house. Not like shivering but an emotional cold. I felt empty. I loved my uncles before the abuse started. They were so kind and friendly until I got my quirks. Not only that but Jiro hasn't let go of my hand since we passed my house and I felt a slight tint of red on my face. Jiro led me to her door and opened it carefully eyeing me from the corner of her eye. She was greeted by two people which I assume were her mom and dad. I introduced myself and then Jiro explained the situation with a few details I added in still aware Jiro hadn't let go. She instead moved in front of our hands and moved her other one behind her. "How can I be sure you are who you say you are" her mom questioned. I shook my hand to get it free from Jiro's grasp and grabbed my wallet from my backpack pulling out a picture of my mom holding me on the hospital bed, a picture of my dad holding me as a toddler, my ID card, as well as my phone to show I had there contacts. This seemed to convince Jiro's mom as she eventually agreed to letting me stay there. Jiro reached for my hand then moved up to my wrist as she realized where she was and dragged me to her room.
-the room UvU-

Her room had multiple guitars of different types. Her bed was two twin beds pushed together which I thought was pretty comfortable and smart. I looked around admiring the room. Before noticing that Jiro had went into the bathroom to change. I sat on the bed still in my uniform before I heard a yell that said "KYOTOKU WE'RE OUT OF MILK" I instantly ran downstairs and grabbed my wallet. "I'll go out and get some milk if it's needed Mrs. Jiro" I exclaimed "oh no it's fine dear" she sighed "no it's the least I can do since you were nice enough to let me stay here. Besides I need to get stuff anyway" I insisted "okay...but Kyoka should come with you as well" Mrs Jiro urged as Jiro walked downstairs. "Well I wouldn't mind the company but she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to" I giggled nervously. "It's fine I'll go" Jiro smiles locking our elbows together then pulling us out the door changing her position so I was facing forward and we were holding hands. "So what is the real reason you wanted to go out" Jiro questioned "I have to get stuff from my house and I have classes" I stated walking back to my house. "What about the two men that were raging when we passed" Jiro inquired "those men are my uncles and they have work in 2 minutes they'll be gone by the time we get there" "oh..." Jiro sighed. We eventually made it to my house and I carefully opened the door relief spreading through me seeing that my uncles weren't there as I predicted. Still careful I slightly pulled Jiro into the house and rushed us into my room to pack up. "Hey Kobayashi" "you can call me Y/n" "oh then you can call me Kyoka" "okay well did you want to ask me something" "oh yeah how long are your uncles gonna be here you seem to be packing allot of stuff" "4 weeks" "oh" after that conversation the room was quite I felt Kyoka's dark purple eyes staring at me with a harsh gaze. I glanced at her every once and awhile and noticed she was staring at my hands this kinda made me self conscious like something was wrong with my hands but I don't understand why I care so much. Usually I would just casually toss other people's thoughts to the side but Kyoka was different for some reason. I finished packing and zipped up my suitcase and grabbed other stuff I'll need slipping all the other stuff into a smaller pocket in the suitcase my hands now practically burning from Kyoka's gaze. I stood up and my hand was instantly attacked as Kyoka's hand slips into mine, her fingers gripping the back of my hand slightly. I was confused to say the least but her hands were warm and soft so I didn't complain. we quickly walked back to Kyoka's house hiding the suitcase in her room a sad face spreading across her face as I pulled away from her hand it saddened me to see her sad face but I covered it with my confusion. We then went onto the original task grabbing milk and some other things. We ran back to the house and I changed while Kyoka gave her mom the milk. "Hey Koba- Y/n" "yes?" "Can I go with you again?" "Sure!"

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