moonlight [stenbrough]

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Bill is hopelessly, irretrievably in love with Stan, that's all he knows. He can't help it when he watches Stan standing at the edge of the cliff overlooking the quarry, moonlight illuminating his curls in such a fashion that made Bill's heart flutter happily. He turns to look back at Bill, a small smile on his face as he stands there in only his underwear, nodding his head toward the water as if to ask, "you coming?".

Bill pulls his shirt over his head, stumbling while he fails to pull his foot out of the legs of his jeans as Stan steps off the edge, a happy laugh erupting from somewhere within him right before he slips beneath the cool water of the quarry. Bill follows as soon as he frees his foot, running up to the edge and leaping off without a second thought.

A loud, joyous sound leaves his lips as he hits the water, jumping up out of it almost as soon as hens submerged. He shakes his hair out, blinking the water away from his eyes while he watches for Stanley. He's fifteen feet away from where Bill is bobbing in the small waves they had made, curls a mess on top of his head while gazing Bill's direction with a content smile on his face.

Bill turns to swim back toward the shore, not making it two feet before he notices a pair of arms have slipped around his waist. Bill's feet plant themselves in the wet sand coating the bottom of the quarry, a grin pressed into his shoulder. He makes no effort to move away, only leans back into the smiling teen behind him.

He's happier now, Bill notices, a more content and happy version of the boy he used to be. Bill enjoyed every version of his boyfriend, but this is by far his favorite.

Bill twists in Stan's arms, a matching smile on his face as he loops his arms around his neck and hooking his ankle behind Stan's knees, reeling him in. He stops to nudge his nose against Stan's, tilting his head to brush their lips together lightly. He sighs happily, pecking Stan's lips once, short and sweet before pulling back to meet Stan's eyes, the moonlight catching little swirls of green amidst the brown. Bill's hands thread in his hair, pulling gently to evoke a soft gasp from the other boy. Bill's smile softens and he can't take it anymore.

"I love you," He murmurs against Stan's lips, his eyes falling shut, almost as if he's too afraid to see the look on Stan's face as he processes his words. Stan pulls back just enough to take in his boyfriend's appearance, wet strands of auburn hair falling in front of his closed eyes, only moving once those breathtaking blues are open once again.

He catches Bill's lips, hands on the small of his back to pull him closer, if that's even possible, lips matching and moving with his partners in a practiced rhythm. He makes sure to push as much intensity as he can into it, pulling gently on Bill's bottom lip as he pulls away, releasing it with a soft bounce but keeping their foreheads together as he whispers so softly between them that he isn't sure Bill even hears it, "I love you too."

The smile on Bill's face answers his question as they inch forward to make their lips meet again, slipping beneath the water.

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