raindrops (f)

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a/n: hiya new book yall!!! this one's specifically for my fluff and angst oneshots! no smut here, but if you do want to see some dirty stuff please head to my other fic, hyacinth. 

anyways this one will be slightly based off of weathering with you!


Light raindrops fell and danced upon the cool asphalt, the miniscule trickles of water bouncing for a second before joining the thin layer of rainwater.

Through the grey clouds small rays on sunlight shone, sending its sparkles all over the glistening watery roads, as if casting a bright ray of hope through the gloominess of a rainy day.

Streets and wide alleys were crowded with newly blooming umbrellas, the clear vinyl reflecting the afternoon sun's glow as the people paced through watery streets.

Near the heart of the city was a park. It wasn't so grand, a few trees and a fountain decorated the grassy fields. The rain kept dancing to its own beat as people opened up their umbrellas and laid under the trees.

Soraru was neatly seated on a damp wooden bench, small puddles forming right below his feet. A gray umbrella rested itself on his shoulder as he gazed towards the clouds.

Ever since he was a child, Soraru adored the sky. He couldn't pinpoint why exactly, but everytime he stared at the sky, seeing clouds roll by and the sun rising and falling every day, it filled him with comfort and eased his mind.

He loved how the sky's color would change almost consistently every day. Pink and pastel blue in the morn, clear aquamarine in the day, and a deep, unending void of azure and indigo at night.

There was only one sky Soraru never liked, though.

The dreary, sad shades of achromatic colors that painted the clouds each time they wept and filled the earth with its tears. He loved the rain, sure; he loved the smell of petrichor overflowing his senses, putting his mind at ease, he loved hearing the soft pitter-patter of raindrops on his roof, hypnotizing him with its repetitive melody, and best of all, he loved seeing the sky beam with its vibrant spectrum of colors as the clouds start to clear up.

But god, it would be a huge lie to say that he felt nothing whenever he gazed at the empty, gray clouds looming above him.

Oh, how he wished he could go up to the clouds and sweep away the cumulonimbus' tears of despair and anger. How he wished to see a rainy day without dark clouds every single day of his life.

"Soraru-san!" a voice called out from amidst the soft layer of mist and rain.

The sound of shoes rapidly tapping against the wet stone pathways of the park grew louder and louder before it came to a halt.

"I-I'm late aren't I?"

"Yeah, pretty much." The older said as he shrugged, patting the spot next to him before adding "Watch out, it's wet."

The albino next to him nodded, scratching the back of his head as he sat down. His jacket and hair was wet with rainwater, a few droplets falling from the tips of his white locks.

"I'm really sorry, Soraru-san, I lost my umbrella on the way here.." Mafu says, scooting closer to the older male. As their shoulders touched, Mafu slowly felt himself being warmed up by the older.

"It's alright, don't worry about it okay?" The raven replied, wrapping an arm over the younger's shoulder.

"Oh! Uhh..I got this for you, Soraru-san!" Mafu said as he reached into a plastic bag and pulled out a warm can of oden. With a smile, Soraru took the can from Mafu, giving him a small kiss on the forehead. Mafu giggles to this, snuggling closer towards his boyfriend.

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