(ankumafu) 2 dumbasses and 1 egg (f)

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not soramafu, 

it's un:c x mafu (or ankumafu???)

dont try this at home kids 


"A-are you sure this is how we're supposed to do it?" Mafu asked, slight confusion in his voice as he scrolls through his boyfriend's phone, skimming through the recipe.

The two men were trying to make a nice plate of omurice. Anku had seen someone online making a perfect plate of one and was compelled to cook the same thing for him and Mafu. He knew he was about to cook a pretty difficult dish, but he was sure that he could try to make one with Mafu's help.

A blond man stood beside him with several plates of failed attempts of making omelette rice. Anku scrunches up his nose in frustration, clearly confused by why he was unable on making a decent omelette.

"Yeah! I've read the recipe over and over," Anku sighs, grabbing some more rice from the cooker and a few more eggs from the fridge. "I just don't know what I've been doing wrong! I'm usually great with eggs!"

He wasn't. He really wasn't. Mafu knew this too, he's seen Anku cook eggs before and he truly wasn't great at cooking them. Sometimes the blond would accidentally leave in eggshells in the pan and question why his eggs turned out crunchy. One one instance, he saw Anku try to fry an entire raw egg in an attempt to make a tempura.

Though he wasn't great at cooking, Mafu did find that part of Anku really endearing. He was determined and not one to give up so easily. It sort of reminded him of how the blond tried to ask him out a few years then. He'd always send an assortment of bizarre, yet cute gifts to the albino in attempt to woo him.

In the end it really worked, and now they've been dating for two years.

Mafu just couldn't help but crack a small smile at how much he adored the blonde.

"Mafu-kun, why're you smilin' all of a sudden?" Anku asks, snapping Mafu away from his thoughts. "Oh~ You're thinkin' about me, aren't ya!" He adds, getting the albino's face to erupt into a blush.

"G-go focus on your cooking, please!"

The blond laughs at his flustered boyfriend, before facing the stove once again, setting down the plate on the counter.

Cutting a small chunk of butter, he gently drops the bit onto the fry pan, making sure it melts all over the surface of the pan.

"Anku-san, do you want me to help you out..? I think I'm pretty good at cooking..." Mafu says as he rubs his hand on Anku's arm, gently rubbing the other man's arm. Anku lets out a small sigh, planting a small kiss on Mafu's temple and inciting the taller to giggle.

"Of course, Mafu-kun! Here, you can take care of the rice!" Anku says with a smile, passing a smaller pan over to the albino. "I'll take care of the eggs!"

Though he was happy to help his lover, Mafu was quite scared at how Anku's nth attempt at making omurice would turn out. His previous dishes were either overcooked, unedible, or just ugly. (Mafu insisted that it was okay, but Anku was adamant on making a dish that looks good)

Happily, the albino grabbed the handle of the pan and turn on his side of the stove, getting another chunk of butter once it started to heat up. Before putting the rice in, Mafu noticed something off with the rice.

"E-eh, Anku-san...Why is the rice so hot?"

"Is the rice not supposed to be hot?"

"No..It'll stick to the pan if the rice isn't cool enough!"

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