Chapter 6: Mommy and Daddy day

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You felt someone slapping your face. When you opened your eyes you saw Maybelline, but that wasn't the only person you saw.
"Jack what are you doing?" You asked sitting up.
"Just came to visit." He smiled at you. You just stared at him oddly, then looked at Maybelline. You started to check if Jack did anything to her.
"You didn't give Maybelline Frost bite, didn't you?" You asked.
"No." He answered. You glared at him, before looking at Maybelline.
"Morning cutie." You coed. Maybelline smiled. You then picked her up and handed her to Jack.
"Make yourself useful and feed her." You ordered him.
"But I don't know how to!" He said quickly. You started to push him out the door.
"Best to learn now." You closed the door on him. Jack looked at Maybelline.
"What to do with you?" He asked. You got dress in a white beautiful spaghetti strap knee-length with a burgany ribbon clipped around your waist. You didn't do much to your hair besides brushing it down. You grabbed your white flats and walked out the room barefooted. You started to look for Jack and Maybelline. You went to the kitchen and found Jack and few of your Cupids feeding Maybelline, but it was more like Maybelline feeding them 'cause she was sling shotting the food at them. You couldn't help but laugh. Jack soon notice that you was there and frowned.
"Hardy har har. Not funny!" He growled. You walked up towards Maybelline.
"Now now you know better." You scolded her as you putts on your slides. Maybelline smiled knowing that she did do that unpurpose.
"She's a naughty one isn't she?" Jack asked.
"Just like a certain someone." You looked at Jack. Jack smiled knowing who you was talking about.
"So she takes after me then." You rolled your eyes.
"She's not your daughter." You grabbed a napkin and wiped the food off around Maybelline's mouth.
"Well I could be. Not like a actual father, but someone whose there." Jack offered. You looked at him oddly.
"Why would you want to be her father?"
"Cause I know I could make a good father." He said pointing at himself. You rolled your eyes again.
"Alright I'll give you that privilege, but if you hurt her I will kill you." You gave Jack a innocent smile, but a twisted voice. Jack was totally creeped out about it too.
"Okay. What does that make you?" Jack asked.
"Well, duh, her mother." You answered. Jack smirked.
"So mommy what are we doing today?" Jack asked put his arm around your shoulder. You looked at his hand before twisting it off your shoulder.
"OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!" Jack yelled and Maybelline clapped her hands in happiness.
"Well "daddy" today you're going to spend time with "our" daughter while I get to work." You smiled still twisting his hand.
"OKAY! OKAY! I'M SORRY FOR CALLING YOU MOMMY! CAN YOU PLEASE LET GO OFF MY HAND?!" Jack yelled. You let go and picked up Maybelline.
"Let's go and get you ready for a good day with your dad." You coed Maybelline. Maybelline smiled. Your wings expanded and you soared in the air with Maybelline. Jack soon followed. Jack waited outside as you got Maybelline dress. When you came out Maybelline was in a pink sundress and matching slides.
"My aren't you adorable." Jack coed Maybelline. Maybelline smiled and reached for Jack. Jack grabbed her from you.
"Alright I'll be in my office if you need me." You headed off.
"Wait where's your office?! I don't know where everything it at!" Jack panicked. You looked at him.
"Good point." You whistled and a few of your Cupids flew in. "I want you guys to help and watch Jack. Whatever he needs important help him, and watch him if he tries anything that might hurt Maybelline." You ordered. Your Cupids nodded their heads.
"I won't hurt her." Jack said.
"Maybe not on purpose. Your the only spirit I know who doesn't take responsibility serious enough." You walked to your office. Jack looked at Maybelline?
"Let's show her whose responsible. Shall we Maybelline." Maybelline smiled. In your office you was planning a surprise party for a special someone and check to make sure that everything we get there on time.
"Flowers check, table cloth check, streamers check, dress check, music... how can I forgive the music?!" You panicked. You went through several papers and books looking for music. You soon found a book and the pink box in a drawer. You wanted to touch it, but you closed the drawer and ignored it. You sat in your chair and opened the book. You couldn't really focus 'cause you was thinking about your future.
'That was to much blood.' You rubbed your forehead. Then Jack busted in the door with Maybelline and the Cupids.
"What's wrong, Jack?" You asked. Jack put Maybelline down and went up to you.
"Come here." Jack grabbed your hand and pulled you a few feet from Maybelline.
"Watch this." Jack went to Maybelline and got her on her feet. It wasn't long when Maybelline started to walk... on her own. You smiled and got on your knees.
"Come here Maybelline! Come on!" You extended your arms out. Maybelline wobbled to you. Once she was close enough you picked her up and kissed her cheek.
"I'm so proud of you." You smiled, so did Maybelline. You then looked at Jack.
"Did you teach her?" Jack nodded his head.
"Thank you. Now we got to get you to talk." You looked at Maybelline.
"M-Mommy." Maybelline said. Your eyes widen.
"Did you say... Mommy?" You asked.
"Mommy mommy mommy." Maybelline repeated. You hugged her tightly and looked at Jack.
"Did you also teach her how to talk too?" You asked. Jack smiled for his answer.
"Thank you Jack. Maybe you are responsible enough." Jack then smirked.
"Anytime mommy." Your eye twitched.
"I'll break your wrist." You told him.
"Sorry (Y/N) geez." He told you.
"Just don't call me mommy. If Bunny found out or knew that you call me mommy he'll probably pound you." Jack scoffed.
"That Kangaroo can't do anything." You shook your head.
"Come on. Let's go play something." You said.
"I know just where to go and what to do." Jack said grinning. You didn't like it.
'Uh oh.'
In Russia...
"Jack I don't like this at all!" You yelled as you and Maybelline was sledding down the hill. Jack used his wind to direct you and Maybelline at an incredible speed. Jack laughed at your reaction, Mayblline laughed as well.
"Come on (Y/N). Let loose." Jack told you.
"I'm about to let go in a second!" You yelled. The sled immediately stopped when it hit a rock causing you and Maybelline to fly into a pile of snow. Jack landed next to Maybelline and helped her up 'cause you put her in a extreme thick winter coat and other winter accessories that made her stiff like a penguin.
"You okay little May?" He asked. Maybelline smiled and clapped her hands happily.
"I guess that's a yes." Jack smiled. Him and Maybelline walked to you who was laying flat on the ground looking at the snowy sky.
"You okay?" Jack asked. You looked at him with a pissed off face.
"You could have hurt us!" You yelled. Maybelline laughed at your angry face.
"Well your not. Are you?" Jack asked. You sat up.
"I don't think- OW!" You yelled holding your left wing.
"What's wrong?!" Jack asked concerned.
"I-I think... you broke my wing." You whimpered. Jack hurried to look at you left wing.
"Okay... um... I'm sorry (Y/N)... um what to do! What to do! Um can you move it?" He asked.
"I can try." Your wings spread open hitting Jack in the face. He fell on his butt and looked at a very happy you.
"You where faking?" He asked surprised, but smiled.
"That was pay back." You smirked helping him up.
"Your not the only one who can have fun." You said smartly.
"I see." Then Maybelline sneezed.
"I think we should get home before Maybelline catches a cold." You said. Jack nod in argreement. You picked up Maybelline and flew ahead with Jack following you. Jack was flying circles around you.
"Hey show pony quit showing off." You told him.
"Why? Jealous?" He asked.
"No. Its distracting." She answered. Jack laughed and was still flying in circles. You rolled your eyes. When the got back to your palace you all went to the kitchen. Jack took off Maybelline's coat and you made some hot/warn chocolate. Jack glanced at you head to toe.
"Hey (Y/N)," He called. You looked at him. "You look nice today." He complimented. You smiled.
"Thank you, but I still think the rebel look suits me better." You came back with three cups. You handed the warm one to Maybelline and one of the hot one's to Jack. Jack then whispered something in Maybelline's ear.
"Thank you mommy." They said.
"Yeah yeah yeah." You started to drink your hot chocolate. It was mostly quiet for the most part.
"Hey (Y/N) about you future..." Jack started.
"I don't want to talk about it!" You said fast. It was quiet again. Maybelline finished her warm chocolate and let out a big yawn.
"Mommy... sleepy." Maybelline said rubbing her eyes. You picked her up and took her to her room. Jack didn't follow this time. You laided Maybelline down in her bed and went back to the kitchen.
"Okay she's a- Jack?" Jack wasn't in the kitchen. On the counter next to the empty coffee mug was a piece of paper. You picked it up a read it.
'Had a great time with you and Maybelline. We should do it again sometime. Bye mommy.' You crumbled up the paper and threw it away.
"I'm going to punch him when I get a chance." You flew to your office and continued on your surprised party unknowing the danger that creeped around your home.

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