Hello Co-Art Hunters

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Short info. About Me:

Go to the next page if you want to skip this stuff 

My English is not good, hopefully, you'll be able to understand me...

Hi! My real name is Vanessa and it means Butterfly in Greek.

"So, I combined my first and second letters in my name to butterfly in 'tterfly' and I got a unique username for my wattpad account which is "va-tterfly" - just want to share, in case if you guys are wondering where I get my username.

You can call me Ms. Vee - in short of my name or Ms. butterfly, whatever you are comfortable with.

I'm a very shy person and scared to socialize with other people especially in talking, that's why I like to be me and being quiet. And to live in a fiction world.

I learned to draw since I was 8, grade 2 elementary. This girl sit next to me, I saw her drawings and I was amazed. While she doing it, I was watching her and told myself that "I want to be like her". So, I get my pencil and paper. I feel so upset because I can't even draw a nice line. But, I didn't give up until someone told me the very bad news. The girl who sat next to me, the girl that I idolized, the girl that taught me everything and the reason why I have this talent, she passed away. Until now I can't believe that she's gone. I want to tell her, thank you for being my inspiration that's why I'm doing this thing, to fight my shyness and to spread my work and tell to my other co-artist(s) that "you don't draw because you have a talent, you draw because you love it and there's a reason why you're doing it..."  

don't give up ... Be thankful and stay humble ...

                                      - Vatterfly 🦋 102119

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