The Enemy

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Me and Toaster Senpai had been a thing for a while now. After my first meeting with them, I knew that Toaster was the one for me.

Although recently, I realised that there was something different going on between us, something not right, something Toaster wasn't telling me.

As I wondered down the stairs drowsily one morning I caught a glimpse of Toaster out the corner of my eye.

I had competition.

There, sat beside my Senpai, lay a dazzling slice of bread, maybe the most gorgeous slice of bread is ever seen. And it seems Toaster thought the same as they let the bread sit into the slot to bake. (..That didn't sound right but then again, I'm writing about a toaster soooo-)

Soon enough, the bread had evolved into an even more gorgeous looking looking slice of toast. Toaster wouldn't take their eyes off of Toast and soon enough I knew I'd lost my only true love.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I quietly called Toaster's name.
"T-toaster.. I thought we had something-" I looked away, unable to bear looking at them. I turned and ran off but suddenly something something changed my mind. The wise words from a tik tok audio went through my head: 'Technically, if I killed myself, let's face it, the problem would be gone'.

That was it.. Kinda. I grabbed the butter and a knife before rushing back over to Toaster and Toast, throwing a block af butter at Toast and smearing it over them, then grabbing the knife and piercing a hole through Toast before picking them up and taking a bite before throwing them into the bin.
"So long.." I muttered. I turned back to Toaster Senpai and looked at them. I smiled at they're kind words as I looked into they're shiny metal, a smile spreading across my face.
"I love you too.."

I took a deep breath as I finished explaining my dream, looking into the doctor's eyes.
"Please fucking help me."

What. Did I just write. So many people read this book and found it funny and so my brain was like 'hey why don't you write another chapter' so y'know, I'm sorry.
...I don't know what I'm doing with myself anymore hhhhhh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2019 ⏰

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