Egghead Exchange Part 2

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Logan's POV

From what I was able to quickly figure out, when the zoo wasn't completely filled with guests, the group of peculiar penguins found the freedom to act like they were part of the military or at least a group of commandos. Although Thomas was never exactly a fighter growing up, the combination of my ability to quickly soak in information and Kowalski's guidance upon me describing the actions or the time of the day worked in my favor. It didn't take me long to admire the agility, especially when it came to the group leaping out of the habitat every once in a while.

There were some things that I wasn't exactly prepared for such as Rico making some moves at me when Skipper wasn't paying attention. I mean, I knew he was intending to make those moves toward Kowalski, but it still concerns me. I was okay with my figurative gaydar being activated, but Kowalski mentioned having a mutual "falling out" with a dolphin named Doris, so it's unclear of how he would react to the flirting.

As well as leaping out of the habitat every once in a while, we were also able to leap into the other habitats to aid the other animals in certain problems. With a quick trick Kowalski instructed me through, I was able to pull out a clipboard with some options illustrated. Although, Skipper would make it a point to slap it out of my wrist or slap me across the face if I was talking too much. I would occasionally mutter something like "Humans have HR departments in their work environment for this reason" and he would slap me again and say "Well, we aren't humans and we are our own help". Kowalski would warn me to just keep my mouth shut and I could just imagine him rolling my eyes upon hearing my thoughts.

Kowalski's POV

It took me longer than I'd like to admit to get used to the fact that I wasn't in a hostile environment. When I felt the presence of an unfamiliar lifeform approaching me, I'd take Skipper's with my eyes closed and fight them off with my survival instincts until they gave a verbal reaction to a thud on the floor. I'd open my eyes, see that it was one of the embodiments Logan informed me about, and get flustered. They'd ask what was wrong with me and I'd say "Um, pardon me, but a nightmare spiked up my heart rate and my fight or flight has been kicking in" before informing Logan of my mishap.

Two reactions to my attack stood out to me, though. One of them was when I was using my survival instincts against one of the embodiments and another one, Virgil, seemed to have a shocked expression on his face. I noticed I had the embodiment known as Remus in a choke hold and that a ninja star was stuck to the fridge. I thought of what I did and heard Logan declare 'You did what? He's the least predictable of all of us!' with me responding 'I guess Skipper's lesson on listening to my gut stuck like Remus's ninja star'. The other reaction that stood out to me was when I was going through this streaming site called Netflix hoping to find anything remotely close to "Shirtless Ninja Action Theater". I was trying and failing to find it when, suddenly, I felt somebody about to touch my shoulder and I retaliated by flipping the culprit over the couch until I saw I was in combat with the embodiment named Roman. I had to admit, he was amazing at fighting, but then, he made a samurai sword appear in his hands and it made me realize I could do something similar. I chose to fight with a fencing sword and let the combat continue. Eventually, we were both out of breath and he glanced at me.

"I know you can fight off the Dark Sides, but damn, where has this side of you been?" he asked me.

As I was informing of what happened, I knew Roman was basically talking to Logan, but I felt pride in my fighting techniques being put to good use.

"I, um, I guess when you stop thinking for a while, what you learn just comes out without any inhibitions," I excused.

"Well, maybe we can fight the Dragon Witch together, sometime," he suggested.

We came to a position where we were trying to shake hands, but something told me Roman was going to flip me, so I stood my ground while trying to flip him. I could feel him tense up from supposedly trying to do the same. We looked at each other and gave each other smirks.

I went into the kitchen without much thought and Logan and I exchanged input on our days while I was looking for something to have for lunch. I noticed there were multiple jam jars like the ones in Logan's room and I grabbed one of them to read. Yes, I was taking advantage of the fact I had developed the ability to read. The jam said "Crofters" and had a picture similar to Logan's reflection and I saw the label also said "Logan's Berry".

'Vain, much?' I joked.

'Why do you ask that?'

'You're on a jam jar!'

'Thomas and his team made a deal with Crofters. Besides, it's the only jelly I put in my belly.'

'I hope it's not overrated.'

'I'm guessing you grabbed the Logan's Berry one. It has blackberry and pomegranate. Give it a try, if you want.'

I decided to bring the jar to the table and opened it. Suddenly, I remembered I had the ability to manifest things out of thin air, so I proceeded to make a platter of sushi appear next to me as well as make the top of the open jar wider. I grabbed a spoon from one of the drawers and went with the plan of scooping my sushi into the jar with the spoon. It was coated in the jam and I took a deep breath before putting it in my mouth. I knew sushi was great before, but it was amazing when coated in the jam. I went to get more of the jam to try different flavors and summoned more sushi. I didn't think anyone saw or cared about what I was doing, so I felt no shame.

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