Chapter 3

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Sabre's POV

I felt myself slowly gaining consciousness and almost groaned in pain. I was freezing and my arm hurt like hell. No, I've lived in hell. This is worse than hell.

I kept my eyes closed as I tried to listen to what was going on outside. I was moving, but I couldnt tell how. I slowly let out a breath of air while attaching a bit of magic to it. The magic flew into the air, and I was able to see-sense that I was in a cage, slowly moving over ice. No one else was around me. I pushed out a little of my own magic to see which parts were weakest and realized. Nightmare steve was using magic to send the cage somewhere.

I sat up and looked around with my eyes. Ice everywhere. Spikes... Ice Spikes! I was in an ice spikes biome. I grabbed the bars of my cage and almost immediately let go with a small yelp of pain. They were freezing. I took a deep breath before coating my hands in fire. I glanced down and realized it was green now.

Wow. Great time to find a new power. Wonderful. I grabbed the bars and pulled. The fire both melted the ice and semi melted the bars so I was able to bend them. I managed to tumble out of the cage and rolled a couple times.

I stood up with a hiss of pain as my leg almost gave out. I shivered and looked around for a place to stay. There was an ice cave, but that was too cold. I kept looking but saw nothing. There was no where except- I sighed and turned left to start trudging to the ice cave.

I got inside just in time to see shadows flying up high across the ice. I ducked in even further and peered out. I couldn't see which steve it was but they were obviously Steve's.

I took a deep breath before going farther into the cave. Once there I sat down with my legs crossed, and tried to do something I hadn't done since I had found the first steve.


S̷̡̧̢͉͎̟̲̖̟͓̭͔͗́̇̂́͐̒̇̉̒͂̓̏̄̈͘͜o̵̲̹̼͖̰̝̥̊͆̄̇̏̍́̀̾͘̚͠ṋ̷̢̛̤͖̠̣̠̃̉̒̿͒̂͑̈́̈́̒̋.̷̠̞̠̗̇̀̈́̆̀̃͛̎̌͝ ̷͈̾͐͋̚Ą̴̧̛̖̬̤̳̲̙̳͙̺̘̣̀́̑͋̓̃͛ŗ̷̧̰̙͍͎͚̭̖̟͎̜͔̻̍̚̕͜͜e̶̪̟̋̒͗̌ͅ ̵̦͚͚͍̜͓͖̭̙̘̠͗͜͠ȳ̴̢̨͙̩͉̞͈͇͔̘̳̌̀̀̐́̈̎̚ͅȍ̵̫̀̇͋͆̀̓̎͛̓̎̎͠͠͠u̷̮͖̲̖͇͙̯̭̟̿͐͂͊͒̑̍̄̋̉͝ ̷̢͕̫͙̖̱̫̟̝̹͙̼̉͜͜ͅo̴̧͖̘̘̹̭͌̊̊̀̃̓̋͛͊͘k̷̨͖̹̬̣̝̝̭̰͕̼̔͑́̃͑͆̐͋̋̏̽̀̂̐̉ǎ̵̡̠̰̜̙̌̏̑̑͒̀́̋́̊͆̋͋͘̕y̶̧̭̞̤̪͇͇͔̗͙̘̰̰͎̞̲̼̋͛̈?̷̡̦̯͔̺̅͋͋̇̇̇̑̔́̌͆͘̕̚̚

Yeah. I'm fine.

Ẅ̸̧͖̺̘̗͉̙̺̯͎̝̫́̾̅͑̐́̅͛̀̑̌̽͝h̵̛͍̙͓̬̻̻͇͌͗͋̌̈́̋̇̂̿̎̿̈́͝ȩ̸̧̛̹͎̥̪̮̖̱̲̻͙̺́̇̀̌̏̔͊̿̍́͒̚̚͝ͅͅr̴̬͇̆̎͒̍͘̕͠è̸̢̺̪̣̤͈̰̰̫͕̓́̈̃́̋̂̎͂̍͋̔̍͘ ̴͚̘̲͍̻̲͒͑̏̿̓̒̓̄͝a̵̧̡̱̼̪̠̬̺͝r̵̡̧̛̲̟̤̬͔͕̳͖͚͙̦̬͍͚̩̃̓̂͂̈́̐̏̿̍̐̕e̴͉̱̦̝̫̱͓̣̘̪̺̪̔̀̌ ̴̢̢̧͖̹̪̣̭̠̫̣̞̪̋͂͌̉̂̓͛̚ͅy̵̤̖̰̼̭̱̻̍̋͂̉͋͂̎̃̔͒͛͐̎̑́̋͝ͅö̶͈͔͎͕̗̰̤̱̰͍́̋̌́̆̌̄̐̓͌́̆ǘ̵̧̧̫̰̙̥͇̼̝̤̟̞̦͋̀̈̍͆̔͌̅́̐̍̈́̾͝?̷̢̲̥̭̮̮̙̺͙͔̮̥̿̓̒̎̐

Some sort of ice spikes.



Yeah! It's been a while bro!

It has.

A̸͕̼͒̅h̸̼͒e̶̬̊m̵̗̩̐̑.̶̼̐ͅ ̵̺͋̚A̴̽ͅn̷̦͊͠y̸̨͠w̴̧̒a̷̗͠ẙ̸̨̫.̵̠̅̉ ̴̞͔̌̂I̵̬̚ ̴̤̓́s̵͔̓͑ẻ̵̙ǹ̵̖̙t̷̪͖̔ ̶̲̎y̷̡̥̑ơ̴͍̰͝u̴̡̿r̶̤̀ ̷͎̐f̶̥͑͆ŗ̸̞̍̏i̶͖̊ͅe̴̼͌ń̷͇̜͗d̸̲̔ś̴͖ͅ ̷̬̗́t̸̢̞͗o̶̜̔̿ ̴̩̝̉t̴̹͌͝h̷̼̠̓é̵͕ ̵͘ͅb̶̻̆̏l̷̰̀͋u̵̜̇e̷͙̲̾̅ ̸̧̌s̸̯̓̌t̵̘̯̀̃ę̸̆̄v̵͉̬̀̏è̸̗̖͆ ̴̥̫̒t̶͚͗ḛ̴̦̑̕m̸̮̑͝p̵̹̘̓l̵̲̽͒e̴͕̐͜ ̶̱̟̄̉ṯ̸̆̒h̷̜͝ạ̶̳̈́͒t̵͌ͅ ̸̨̃͝y̴̟̾o̴̠͊u̸̦̗͘ ̴̨̋a̷̫̓̋ĺ̸̼l̵̺̙̈́͝ ̷͈̥̎̃k̸͍͇͛̉ṋ̸̥̆o̸͎̲͌w̶̡͊ ̴̞̈̈͜ö̶͔͎́f̷͉̆̔.̸̭̖͆̋ ̶͕̆͜I̴̹̿͗ ̷̺͛̕t̸̟͛r̶͚͊͜i̵̟͊̕ȅ̸̼̰̌d̷̯͇͑ ̴͈̹͛t̸̡̗̉ǫ̷̻̀̓ ̸̻̜̉͗g̶̫̰͝e̶͛ͅt̴̛̯͝ ̷͎͂̔y̶̤̩̌͌õ̸̢̲u̵̝͒̔r̶̙̀ ̵͇̓̀f̷͕͊r̷̬͑ͅi̴͖̘̅̈́ē̴̳̭n̴̹̉d̶̡̆,̴̨̙͒̂ ̸̜̍͛Ġ̶̼r̵͔̙̈à̸̧̜ì̵̭̐͜n̷͚̮̓̊ ̸̬̑ẅ̸͕̔ą̵̼̈́̆s̸͕̮͌ ̴̬̭̈́͝i̴̜̎t̶̛̞̥̍?̴̨͕̏-̸̜͕̓͘

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