Byleth the Vampire Slayer - Part 7

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Author's Note: I was sorta experiencing a writter's block on this particular Byleth x Edelgard for awhile

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Author's Note: I was sorta experiencing a writter's block on this particular Byleth x Edelgard for awhile. But I think I've gotten over it, so I will try to wrap up this story soon! Hope anyone who reads, enjoys this! Oh, and one more thing. Sothis will be featured in this story soon. 


Byleth still has the Red Peculiar Sword with him, hiding in his invisible sheaf.

This weapon could be his only ticket to ending Edelgard if she turns out to be his enemy. But... what's stopping him?

"So? What are you going to do now, Professor? Do you believe me to be innocent... or guilty?" Edelgard grows impatient for an answer.

She needed his answer in order to know whether she's just made an enemy or if they remain allies.

Byleth doesn't wish to kill Edelgard. But... tricking him with a story that may be all made up just so she can take advantage of him... that may be what this is all about.

But then again, maybe she was really being truthful and earnest by what she just told him.

He doesn't want to make an enemy out of Edelgard. Especially since she might actually be an ally. But...

"Well? Come on. Give me your answer." Irritation could be heard from Edelgard's tone. She was growing out of patience. At this rate, she might take action and end him before he gives an answer.

She cannot die after all. Not yet. Not when she may be close to reaching for her goal...

"I..." he started, two sides wavering inside him. One side wanted to believe everything she's told him. But the other tells him to kill her.

Whether to follow his heart, or to follow his brain... he was uncertain of which sense to rely on.

But... in the end...

"I... believe you." He answered. This may or may not be a foolish decision he has made, it might not be the right choice. For all he knows, he could have just made the wrong one. But... if there's even the slightest chance that Edelgard truly is innocent of the crimes he's suspected of her... he wants to take that chance.

If she does end up turning out to be the enemy, he could try to end her. But... all he really wants is to be able to put his faith in her.

He doesn't want to kill her, because... he fears that he may be falling for her.

That, and she's his student. If he were to kill her, her death would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"Professor..." Edelgard appeared quite astounded by Byleth's answer. She thought for sure during his long time of thinking, he may had decided to end her. It is, afterall, wise to end any possible threats that may come to stab you in the back later.

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